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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 443

Read Chapter 443 – 444 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 443

Elder Shu said earnestly, “If you don’t marry Arron, who do you marry? Joan? Not to mention that now Joan and Walton are about to get married, even if Joan doesn’t and Min Qing When Yan gets married, the Chu family is almost annexed by the Fu family. Looking at the entire Nancheng, no one can compete with Arron.”

Lanita: “Grandpa…”

Mr. Shu looked at his beloved granddaughter: “Yueyue, let alone Nancheng, even in Kyoto, you want to find someone comparable to Arron, not many. Kraig is one, but Kraig already has a girlfriend. Now it’s only Arron who doesn’t have a girlfriend, my child!”

Lanita suddenly cried: “Grandpa, but…I waited for Arron for six years, and he didn’t like me, and now there is that Suzi in front of him. Although Arron doesn’t love Suzi, Suzi is after all He gave birth to a child to Arron. Arron now fully knows that our Lin family lied to him back then. He will not marry me again, thinking that his character, he will kill our Lin family, what should we do, grandpa.”

Elder Shu patted Lanita: “Don’t cry your child, grandpa has a way. This is not a big deal. The most important thing now is that you must marry Arron, and then have a child that really belongs to you with Arron. Even if I was not alive at that time, Arron would not do anything to you. Because you have a common child.”

When her grandfather said this, Lanita’s heart turned from worry to joy.

But she still looked very sad on the surface: “But Grandpa…”

“Yueyue, don’t worry, although Grandpa is getting old, in Nancheng, the Shu family’s wealth is not as large as the Fu’s, but grandpa’s old subordinates, grandpa’s reputation in Nancheng and Kyoto, can still hold many people down. Yes, with Grandpa here, you don’t have to worry about Arron not marrying you. You don’t have to be afraid of him, Grandpa will support you.”

“Thank you grandpa! Thank you! You are really my good grandpa, oooooo, in this case, my mother’s spirit in the sky will definitely be gratified, grandpa.” At this time, Lanita was very appropriate to put that vain’ mother ‘Lifted it out.

Speaking of his daughter, Elder Shu looked at Lanita’s eyes more firmly.

The daughter is no longer alive. This is the only child left by her daughter. Whatever he said, the life of this granddaughter must be uplifted!

“Grandpa wants to rest for a while, you can go out.” Elder Shu said.

“Okay Grandpa, you can rest.” Lanita went out with joy.

After going out, she began to hum. After all, grandpa is not her pro-grandpa, she will not feel sorry for her grandpa’s illness, she will only worry about what she will do if grandpa dies, and now grandpa personally promises to let her She married Arron, so what else does she have to worry about?

Then have fun!

Play with Suzi, and then tell Suzi all the truth, ahaha!

Just think about it.

The cool Lanita hummed an out-of-tune song very proudly.

“Lanita! You are very happy!” A cold voice suddenly fell from the sky.

Chapter 444

Hearing this sound, Lanita was suddenly shocked, and then she immediately changed a flattering smile, turned and looked at Darius: “Cousin…”

Darius looked at Lanita with a disgusted expression of twelve minutes: “Grandpa is so sick, and because of you, you don’t have the slightest sense of guilt or the slightest distress. You can still hum and sing. Can you laugh?”

“No cousin…” Lanita wanted to forcibly distinguish.

But Darius stopped him: “In front of me, you don’t want to be like this! I don’t know what kind of method you Lin used to confuse my grandfather, but when 2 Lanita, you will remember that you are the most Take good care of my grandfather. If my grandfather is a little bit wrong, do you think you can keep your position in Nancheng? Ask for your own blessings!”

After speaking, Darius ignored Lanita anymore, instead went in to visit Grandpa.

There are many boys in the Shu family. Darius alone has three elder brothers. Although they are all abroad and rarely return to China, there are so many boys in the Shu family. It is very rare for him to have one. Granddaughter.


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