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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 469

Read Chapter 469 – 470 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 469

He didn’t speak, he raised his arms around her and came to the study, took out a card from the drawer and handed it to her: “There are five million in it, and the password is your birthday.”

Suzi: “…Fifty thousand is enough, I can’t use that much.”

“This was originally to compensate you.” This card was still six years ago, after his mother Shanna passed away, he took out the card to pay to Suzi, but Suzi rejected it.

Compensate her?

Because after Siu plays with her, or insults her, will it be very unbearable? So he compensated her with five million in advance here?

Also good.

As long as she is not killed, she can immediately return to her hometown to visit her mother with the five million.

Suzi immediately caught it: “Yeah.” After he finished speaking, he took the card and turned back.

But the man held her waist behind him: “Isn’t there any gratitude to me for giving you such a thick gift?”

Suzi snuggled against his chest, with a very light tone: “The only one who is still playing in the toy room, go and coax her, I will put the card in, and wait for the only one to sleep…”

She didn’t finish her words, but her face turned red.

The man chuckled his lips and smiled, while holding her waist and forcing her to get close to him, he slapped her soft lips quickly.

Then I went to the toy room to accompany my daughter.

The man took his daughter downstairs and walked twice, and Suzi responded to several parents in the group. Lilly’s mother: I will hand in 50,000 yuan tomorrow morning. I’m sorry, I will read any news in the group in time.

After closing the line, Suzi went to the bathroom.

If life and death are unpredictable tomorrow, then she should relax and take a bath to make herself more comfortable.

After running for a long time in the bath, she also made a beauty mask on her face. She also admired herself in the mirror before coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

He opened the door and saw Arron waiting for her outside the bathroom.

This night, the man was walking around.

The next morning, the man took the morning flight at 6:30 to Kyoto, and at 6:30, Suzi was still asleep.

Early in the morning, it was the only kid from Shen who kept patting his mother’s door outside and awakened Suzi.

When Suzi woke up, she felt like she fell apart. Turning her head to see that the man was no longer in the bedroom, she hurried out, the only one who followed her mother like a little tail, and said mysteriously to Suzi: ” Mom, mom, guess what did my dad do?”

Suzi pretended to be ignorant and asked Lilly: “Mom doesn’t know, does the only one know?”

Lilly smiled triumphantly: “Of course I know!”

At this moment, Suzi’s cell phone rang, she picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and then connected: “Hello, who?”

An unfamiliar and familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: “Suzi, if you dare to come to work at the company today, I will get you out if you hide in the mouse hole! Then don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

That tone was very relaxed and confident with pride.

Suzi’s heart shrank: “Are you…Siu?”

Chapter 470

At the other end, Siu’s tone is very leisurely: “Oh, Suzi, you are quite familiar with each other. I only spoke to me once yesterday, and you can tell who I am. I said that since you are so familiar with each other. , Since as early as six years ago you were able to connect the upper-class brothers in Nancheng together and try to make them a brother-in-law, why do you have to put big heads of garlic on the big star of Ivy, like a peacock with a flowery butt? ?”


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