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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 471

Read Chapter 471 – 472 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 471

Then she looked at Susan and Shen Only: “You two, hurry up and enter the kindergarten.”

The two little girls entered the kindergarten hand in hand, and Susan’s mother made no secret of her disgust and said to Suzi: “Mother Shen, why didn’t you have a special car to pick you up today?”

Suzi suppressed the impatience in his heart: “My husband is on a business trip.”

“But the clothes you wear today are also very ordinary. What is the difference between what you wear and pajamas at home when you go out?”

Suzi: “…”

After a pause, she asked, “Mother Susan, what do you want to say?”

“Are you trying to raise this 50,000 yuan? Your family returned the car and then processed your brand-name clothes to make up the 50,000 yuan. You wouldn’t be with that classmate. Isn’t your mother’s face swollen and fat? If you are such a family, let alone our group forbid you, this kindergarten will not tolerate you!” Susan’s mother’s tone became more and more rude.

Suzi: “…”

When she wants to rest, she will walk away.

The only big deal to transfer!

She shouldn’t have any association with such a woman.

But now it is different. There is another Siu in her company waiting for her. Suzi doesn’t know what her fate will be in the next second.

Fortunately, at this time, Guan Sitian’s mother came over. Guan Sitian’s mother looked at Suzi’s expression even more disdain. She almost sneered and said: “Mother Susan, forget it, since people are willing to pay, the party is naturally indispensable. Her. Lilly’s mother, see you at the party.” Suzi nodded: “When and when?”

“This Saturday, starting at three in the afternoon.” Guan Sitian’s mother said.

“Okay! I must be there on time then.” Yubi Suzi took the bag and turned to leave, walked to the bus stop and got on the bus.

Behind them, Susan’s mother and Guan Sitian’s mother talked about Suzi with disdain.

“Look at her like that! It’s not too late to make her foolish at the banquet!”

“We have to let her know that our circle is not easy to enter!”


“Mother Susan, her child plays well with your Susan, you can’t let Susan play with her daughter!”

Susan’s mother was embarrassed: “The two children cherish their friendship very much, and I can’t make trouble from it, right?”

“Huh!” Guan Sitian’s mother said angrily: “The little ones don’t care for the time being, we must be firm in our stance, and don’t let our children follow those inferior races and learn like ordinary children. Same.”

Susan’s mother respectfully said: “I know Ms. Guan.”

On this side, Suzi took the bus to the company to work. As soon as he entered the elevator, several female colleagues whispered. Although Suzi didn’t know what they underestimated, Suzi knew that these must be whispering to her at the same time.

Suzi didn’t care, but got out of the elevator calmly and walked towards his office.

As soon as she sat down, someone behind her called her: “Suzi, do you really dare to come?”

Chapter 472

Suzi knew that it was Siu without looking back.

So, she didn’t look back.

She thought about it. She has no other skills, she still has the ability to pretend to be dead.

Regardless of whether Siu beats her or scolds her, he will pretend to be dead.


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