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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 473

Read Chapter 473 – 474 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 473

“God! Does this b!tch have a daughter?”

“b!tch is a b!tch! Hidden deep enough!”

“A wh0re! I even confuse a few men in our department. I seriously suspect that this woman has polluted all the men in our office. Oh, you can check it out in the hospitals that are hurrying up. Dirty disease?” The most poisonous mouth is Linda.

Apart from Rayna, Linda is the woman who hates Suzi the most in this company.

Several male colleagues in the company, Zhao Xianda, Chen Liang, Tong Yue, and Song Zhuoer all looked at me and I looked at you.

Their hearts, liver and lungs are going to explode.

None of the four male colleagues dislikes Suzi. It is not the way men and women like Suzi. The main thing is that the little girl is quiet, thin and tender, but powerful in her bones. Rayna died as soon as she entered the company. Biting and holding, they solved Rayna without saying anything, and being squeezed out by Linda, she even helped Linda deal with the problem regardless of the predecessors, and became Linda’s boss with confidence.

It stands to reason that such a little girl is the first girl in the company to be favored by Mr. Jun. If she wants to leave others, she has long been going to appointments with Mr. Jun. Even if she does not become Mr. Jun’s girlfriend, it is a big deal. It’s good, but people never have any private contact with Mr. Jun.

Is this Miss Jun’s eyes blind?

It was Suzi, the person your nephew took the initiative to find. Why don’t you go home and take care of your nephew first!

Although several male colleagues think so, but at this moment, who dares to say anything?

The youngest Song Zhuoer, an intern who just graduated from university, tried to open his mouth several times, but he stopped talking.

At this moment, Suzi looked at Siu, and Siu smiled leisurely.

Suzi knew that Siu was sure to be able to kill her.

Biting her lip, Suzi took out her mobile phone and dialed a set of numbers. Siu did not expect that she would do this. Siu was taken aback first, and then sneered: “Suzi, you are really toasting and not eating fine wine. !”

Here, Suzi’s cell phone has been dialed. At the other end, Arron had just got off the plane and was on his way to the Kyoto Laogan Military Hospital. Arron had always been reluctant to come to Kyoto to visit Mr. Shu because he did not want Mr. Shu to be pissed off. Now, Mr. Shu has recovered from his illness and is recuperating, so he chose to come to Kyoto at this time.

After all, the root cause of Father Shu’s qi illness was the only cause. Arron can’t say it.

On the way, he received a call from Suzi, and the man immediately asked, “What’s the matter?”

At the other end, Suzi asked warmly: “I want to know, if I am very good and obedient, you will be better with the only one?”

Manly sneered: “It’s still up to you to ask!”

Suzi: “I see.”

After speaking, the thread was closed.

On the other end, Arron held a cell phone and looked at it for a few seconds, still sneering in his heart: You are good, you are obedient, you just look good and obedient on the surface, when have you been obedient and obedient!

After he silently complained, he put down the phone, and then closed his eyes and rested.

He was thinking about how to deal with Mr. Shu.

At this end, Suzi, who has made a decision, looked at Siu calmly: “Well, as long as you are happy.”

Siu: “Very good!”

After speaking, she clapped her hands outside: “Rayna, come in.”

Rayna walked in from outside immediately, carrying two very torn and dirty shoes in her hands.

Chapter 474


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