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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 520

Read Chapter 519 – 520 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 519

Linda, who was still holding her arm just now: “…”

After a few seconds, Linda said in a sharp voice: “Daniel, didn’t you say you want to help me beat up this liar, the blackmailer? What are you doing now! You won’t be seduced by this girl! “

Daniel looked back at Linda and asked incredulously: “Ms. Linda, if the liar you mentioned is my good friend, my savior, my mentor Suzi, then I will immediately I’ll beat you up!”

When he finished speaking, Daniel immediately raised his fist and grinned and glared at Linda.

Linda took a few steps back in shock. She stammered at Daniel: “Daniel, what do you mean? What are you talking about, what your friend, your savior, your mentor? You are talking about this. Prisoner, blackmail and deceive women?”

“You are not allowed to insult Suzi!” Daniel said viciously.

Linda: “…”

All the people present were also staring blankly.

Sisters Siu and Jun Liuye, look at me and I look at you.

Walton, who was sitting at the side, also looked stunned and waited.

What’s the situation?

This handsome foreign guy who came in actually regarded Suzi as a good friend, a lifesaver, or even a mentor to his profession?

At this time, Linda had already reacted. She tremblingly asked: “Daniel, you are a very famous avant-garde architect in the world. You said…Suzi is your mentor, How is this possible? I have never heard you say it.”

Daniel hugged Suzi with one arm, and then looked at Linda with a sneer: “I have discussed architectural design with you, but in the past few years I have known you, I haven’t seen any progress in your design. God, I saw that the design you uploaded to your personal social platform is quite new, and the design method is a bit similar to my mentor. This is why I came to your company today to find you.

But I did not expect that the liar and blackmail in your mouth turned out to be my mentor!


I am not familiar with you, of course I will not tell you what I cherish in my heart, so of course you don’t know that my mentor is Suzi! “

Daniel shouted to Suzi one by one.

This made Suzi somewhat uncomfortable.

Suzi didn’t teach Daniel anything, it was nothing more than some domestic construction methods. Although this method was soil, it was retained through thousands of years of practice. When she and Daniel co-designed the small church in Northern Europe So he told Daniel about his many years of experience and some practical experience on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Daniel regarded her as a mentor.

“Daniel, there is nothing to do with you here, you should go back first.” Even though Suzi was very grateful to Daniel, she could only calmly say this to Daniel on the surface.

At this time, a group of reporters snapped.

“Don’t shoot, you guys don’t shoot first! Daniel, make it clear, whose friend you are!” Linda asked angrily.

Daniel said word by word: “Of course I am Suzi’s friend!”

Chapter 520

Linda: “…”

She couldn’t believe it. She said bad things about Suzi to Daniel along the way. She regrets it very much now. When she said Suzi to Daniel, she never mentioned Suzi’s name, but used’Lao’ all the way. Instead of words such as “female scammer” and “prisoner”, it never occurred to him that Daniel was a friend of Suzi.

Moreover, Daniel actually supports Suzi so much.

This slapped Linda in the face hard.

This was unexpected to Linda and everyone present.

However, Suzi’s face was still indifferent.

Suzi didn’t feel very happy because he had a helper, but attacked.


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