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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 522

Read Chapter 521 – 522 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 521

I look forward to Arron coming to the scene to suppress this wonderful show that is rare in 10,000 years!

Everyone cursed Suzi with all kinds of unlimited limits, while waiting to eat bigger melons.

For a while, the reporters at the scene, and the screen dogs outside the venue, were all excitedly looking forward to it.

However, some people seem to see the clues.

In this group of reporters, there are two picks.

“D*mn! Don’t do it! I resign immediately!”

“Why are you?”

“What a group of people is capable of bullying a woman, and they keep saying that this woman is calm, with a thick skin. How can she be uncomfortable, and can’t be forced with this group of people? If that’s the case, it can really show that this woman has Question, but now? What the hell is this Linda?

The partner who brought this was originally going to beat this Suzi.

But the foreign guy instantly recognized Suzi as the person who had helped him.

This shows that Suzi is a good person!

Instead, it’s this Linda!

Slap yourself in the face, okay?

I now declare that I am a reporter, but I am not invited by Suzi!

Suzi didn’t invite me at all!

If I’m not mistaken, there are so many reporters, none of them were invited by Suzi, right?

Don’t you think it’s too despicable and cruel to attack an unarmed girl together and to persecute a weak girl together with the power of everyone?

I quit! “

After speaking, the reporter picked up and left.

Not long after he left, another reporter followed.

This is a reporter with a little temperament and a little conscience.

However, most of them sneered: “What matters to him! I forgot my essential job!”

“We were originally journalists, we only believe in the surface we see!”

“I only know that when the information on this matter is out, I can get a very generous bonus, which can match my last year. If you don’t report, you don’t report. We are not telling lies. We see the facts.”

Many reporters were comforting their conscience while finding reasonable excuses. As a result, most reporters stayed behind and continued to block the door to watch the excitement.

They waited for Suzi’s counterattack.

However, Suzi didn’t react at all to Siu’s insult to her. She always just said one word: “Yeah.”

It seems to only say’um’, nothing else.

Even if Daniel could not leave, Suzi stopped asking.

Because Suzi discovered that if she blindly drives Daniel to let Daniel go, it is estimated that Daniel will be on the hot search, and it will be more troublesome by then.

However, Daniel only needs to take Suzi away, she leads Suzi: “Suzi, follow me, I will take you out of here!”

Just as Daniel was about to take Suzi out of here, someone outside the door shouted: “Suzi, where are you Suzi?”

Everyone was attracted by the sound.

Including reporters, they also looked back.

At this time, Joan in a suit ran over here quickly and ran into the banquet hall. The moment he saw Suzi, Joan came to Suzi without hesitation and grabbed Suzi. .

“Suzi, follow me. I will take you and your child away and fly!” Joan looked at Suzi with firm eyes.

Chapter 522

Suzi: “…”

At this moment, she was dumbfounded.


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