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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 524

Read Chapter 523 – 524 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 523

But Joan, in six years, Joan has never given her any kindness to Walton!

He is such a man who lingers in women, but he has never touched her. Walton has a finger. Walton thought that Joan might be a beautiful woman. He has experienced all kinds of coquettish styles, so he treated her Walton is not interested.

But that’s okay, if you’re not interested in her Walton, then you’ll be less interested in women outside.

However, when she saw that Joan was so affectionate with Suzi today, Walton was crazy.

She rushed to Suzi, lifted her sharp fingernails, and scratched Suzi’s face: “Suzi! You D*mn bad watch! I won’t let you break your face today, so I won’t be called Walton! You seduce my fiance, I let you seduce! I will strip you naked today!”

Walton has completely ignored her image of a lady.

Her manicured and well-made fingernails were about to cut Suzi’s face.

However, Joan lifted his foot faster and kicked Walton out mercilessly.

“Aw…” Walton wailed and was kicked and curled up on the ground.

Joan glared at Walton who was lying on the ground, and said coldly: “Poisonous woman! There are not many changers like you in the world! What qualifications do you have to compare with Suzi!


Since you are shameless, then I don’t need to save your face.

All of you here put your ears up and listen carefully. My engagement with Walton is fake. Joan is in the middle of my family, but I never thought about marrying Walton!

It was you, Walton, who knelt down and begged me to let me just give you a position and let the outside world know that you are my Joan’s wife. We will never get a marriage certificate. We just get what we need!

Obviously, I have signed a contract with you in private.

But you, a woman, want to make things difficult for Suzi here!

Walton, who are you? What qualifications do you have! “

After Joan cursed, there was a burst of groaning inside and outside the hall.

Especially the reporters outside the hall, everyone felt that it was worth coming today. This melon is really one crop after another, it’s just a chain. The people in the hall looked at Walton with contempt at this moment.

Walton can’t manage that much anymore, she hugged Joan’s leg: “Young Master Chu, how am I worse than Suzi!”

Joan sneered disdainfully, “Do you have anything to compare with her? Back then, Suzi was pregnant with a child but raised his hand and blocked me twice! If it weren’t for Suzi, I would have been dead! How could you compare with Suzi!

In my heart, Suzi is the only white moonlight in my life!

And you, shit is not!

Get out! “

Joan pulled away his feet in disgust, then hugged Suzi and went out.

Daniel on the side was stunned, but Daniel thought that as long as someone helped Suzi, it would be a good thing, so he didn’t say anything.

Another man who knew nothing about life and death suddenly opened his mouth: “Eh…”

This man relied on his backstage to be Siu, thinking that he could be lawless.

But never thought, he just sighed, and then sturdyly took Joan’s kick.

Joan kicked the man much harder than Walton.

The man was kicked three or four meters away by Joan, and he was kicked to the door of a dozen or so reporters.

Joan also burst out in his mouth: “Get out!”

The man curled up on the ground for a long time and couldn’t react. Before he got up, Joan shouted again: “Throw this dead thing into the river to feed the fish! Cut off his hands and feet before throwing it, I want to let him Everyone will look at the fate of bullying Suzi!”

Chapter 524


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