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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 544

Read Chapter 543 – 544 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 543

Arron will still give a bit of face.

With a cold expression on his face, he calmly said to Darius: “A Zhen, the Shu family was not obliged to raise a woman with a foreign surname. If this woman hadn’t been under the influence of your Shu family, she wouldn’t have died to this point. It spoiled the reputation of your Shu family. In this way, today I will be the lord of your Shu family. Let this woman surnamed Min leave the Shu family and don’t help her.”

As soon as these words were spoken, Walton was taken aback.

However, it also made Walton’s heart cold when she listened.

Don’t let the Shu family help her.

Then what does she live on?

She has never worked and never knew how to feed herself. She went to university, but she has no survival skills.

Not only doesn’t she, her food and clothing costs are also the best, spending millions in a month, she has been accustomed to pampering, let her suddenly cut off the source of income?

Then her Walton won’t pass three years, she will sit and eat the sky.

But it doesn’t matter.

In the past three years, she learned to terminate the contract, and then learn to support herself, as long as she can live.

However, Arron said quietly: “Christopher, greet the bank and freeze all the assets of Miss Min.”

Walton: “You…why do you…”

Without finishing a sentence, she saw Arron’s calm and unwavering eyes looking at her: “What did you say?”

“No…no, thank you Fourth Master.” Walton almost left the banquet hall scramblingly.

Next, in this banquet hall, he attacked Suzi with bad words and words, and didn’t leave Suzi alive. They were punished one by one.

No one dares to fart.

Those noble ladies who had longed for Arron to come over and crush Suzi, all regretted their gut puncture, but there is no regret medicine in this world. There is no one in the banquet hall.

Outside the banquet hall, there are still a group of reporters shaped like wooden sculptures.

And, the man who was kicked out by Joan and Siu asked to frame Suzi.

“Do you know Suzi?” Arron came to the man and asked like a family.

“No, no, no…I don’t know.” The man’s scared voice turned into a sissy voice.

“I don’t know, that means you admit that you came to insult and frame Suzi today?” Arron asked again.

Seeing Arron’s question, the man immediately changed his words: “No…no, I…I know Suzi.”

“Yes!” Arron asked.

Then he asked: “Acknowledge?”

The man nodded stupidly.

Arron glanced at Christopher: “Pick him up.”

Christopher immediately responded: “Okay Lord!”

After speaking, he lifted the dumb man up.

No one has seen when there was something more in Arron’s hands. The black hole was small and exquisite, with cold tentacles, and there was no sound when it popped up.

No one saw what was going on.

They only saw Arron and the man embracing like two old friends. However, Arron got up and the man fell to the ground.

At the same time, the man wailed like a pig: “Wow…”

The reporters were shocked.

The man covered the stall with his hands: “I… Am I going to become a woman in the future? It hurts…”

Chapter 544

In the face of such crying, no one of the reporters said anything.


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