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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 546

Read Chapter 545 – 546 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 545

After getting off the plane, when he turned on the Internet for the first time, the reports on Suzi on the Internet were already like snow in the sky, and they were all insulting to Suzi.

Moreover, the wave after wave is like a series, but it is 10,000 times more exciting than the series.

Seeing such reports, Arron, who was sitting in the car at the time, pulled off his tie.

Christopher, the driver driving ahead, didn’t even dare to breathe.

Since taking charge of the Fu Group, Arron has rarely become angry, and rarely has he been so calm. The fourth master of his own family has always been deserted, yet calm and relaxed.

Although he was a real murderous, he was coldhearted.

But Master never showed his anger outside.

However, seeing the hot search about Suzi sweeping the entire network with overwhelming momentum, Master was really not calm.

They did not come to this hotel the first time, but went home first.

When he got home, Christopher realized that the fourth master was going home to get his weapon.

Master with a weapon?

You know, Master never dealt with anyone by himself.

To what extent did he get angry today?

No one knew, Christopher couldn’t guess how angry Master was.

Coming to the scene, as expected, the Fourth Master had solved several problems in his emotions and anger.

At this time, these reporters who made all the netizens of the whole network see Suzi, how will Master deal with them?

Even Christopher didn’t know whether the Fourth Master would take a gun and give him all a dozen or twenty people in one pot in the next second.

However, Arron calmly looked at the reporters present, and said unhurriedly: “Continue to follow up the report.” The reporters: “…”

Christopher: “…”

Seeing that no one dared to answer him.

Arron’s face became cold: “Are they all dumb?”

One of the bold reporters asked tremblingly: “Four…Four Lord, you…what do you want us to report…what?”

“Do you have eyeballs?” Arron asked.


“What did you see!”

Reporter: “…”

“If you don’t see it, it means that you have eyeballs but they didn’t work. Since it’s useless, then dig out your eyeballs.” Arron said in a flat tone.

“I…I, I saw it.” The reporter could only answer truthfully.


“I…I saw you let go of the four… the men who were good to your wife, and the women…” The reporter didn’t understand, as Men, shouldn’t they hate their rivals?

Especially for a king like Fu Siye who killed him for only a moment, shouldn’t he be more cruel when facing his same s3x?

However, Master did not.

Is it really like what Fu Siye’s assistant said, Siye…Fear?

The reporter was still thinking, and Arron had already walked away with his arms around Suzi.

The reporter looked at Christopher with a bitter expression: “Yan Yeer…”

“Yes, Siye is afraid of the inside, you report truthfully.” Christopher dropped this sentence and went out.

Chapter 546

Seeing Arron’s arms around his wife and the assistant behind him, the three of them had already left the hotel. These reporters all looked at me and I looked at you.

Just escaped like this?


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