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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 550

Read Chapter 549 – 550 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 549

She loves children, even if the child’s mother dislikes her.

“Then…Auntie, when Lilly’s birthday, can I celebrate her birthday?” Susan asked again.

Suzi nodded affirmatively: “Of course, when Lilly’s birthday, Lilly wants to invite a few good friends, all of them are Kuoyi, and the aunts agree!”

“Thank you Auntie! Yeah! Auntie, you are much better than my mother. You are a hundred times more beautiful than my mother. Aunt Shen, I like you!” Susan did not hide her love for Suzi.

Beside, Susan’s mother who was extremely embarrassed: “…”

At this moment, Susan’s mother was very embarrassed.

When Suzi led Lilly, and Lilly led Susan to Susan’s mother, Susan’s mother dropped her head very low.

After a while, she said: “Lilly’s mother, I…I know that I am not worthy to be your friend. Thank you for allowing your daughter to make friends with my daughter. Thank you.”

Sure enough, Susan’s mother took Susan so that Suzi could say goodbye.

Suzi doesn’t matter.

She has no feelings for adults, but she has a love for children.

She likes children, regardless of how adults are.

Seeing Susan’s mother leaving with Susan, Suzi also took the only car in Arron’s car.

Originally, when he walked to Arron’s car, Lilly was taken aback: “Mom, my dad is back?”

Suzi nodded: “…Hmm.”

“So fast!” In only three days, Dad came back from a business trip? Didn’t it mean one week? “Yeah.” Suzi agreed again in a short cut.

“Then… did my dad bring me a gift?” the little thing asked.

Suzi: “…”

After a long while, she hesitated: “You… ask your father yourself.”


After getting in the car, Lilly looked at Arron: “Dad, why did you come back so early?”

“Yeah!” Arron grunted angrily.

Shen Only: “What’s wrong?”

“What do you mean?” Arron asked.

Lilly: “I ask you, why did you come back so early! Didn’t you say that you came back only a week? Why did you come back only three days? Three days, you agreed to buy me a truck of toys. Do you have time to buy gifts in three days?”

The only thing Shen cares about most is her gift.

Arron sneered and asked, “When I was leaving, did you complete your task?”

Lilly: “Are you talking about taking care of my mother? I take good care of my mother?”

Christopher driving ahead: “Puff…”

Coincidentally, at this time Suzi’s cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Jarod who was calling, and Suzi immediately connected it.

At that end, Jarod’s extremely annoyed voice: “Niezha! Give me a visit to Lin’s house immediately!”

Chapter 550

Nie barrier?

Here, Arron immediately took the call from Suzi and put the receiver to his ear.


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