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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 548

Read Chapter 547 – 548 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 547

“I’m dumbfounded…”

“My brain is drained.”

“This shameless fisherwoman turned out to be…”

“What is it? Just tell me, I can’t see it. The internet speed here is slow. Don’t tell me that she has gotten ill. You are incurable and infected…”

“She is Fu Siye’s wife!”




For a time, the entire network was almost paralyzed.

Everyone was stunned at the end of the screen.

All the people who eat melon = the masses, never thought it would end like this.

The woman who was the worst scolded by the entire network, who had always looked calm and regarded death as home, turned out to be Arron’s wife.

Arron has been an official non-staple food group for six years.

In the past six years, it has never been reported that there are women around him. According to rumors, even the secretaries around him are male secretaries. Although Arron is rich, powerful, and powerful, he never plays with women.

The only woman he has been recognized by everyone is his fiancee Lanita.

In Nancheng, I never heard that Arron actually had a wife.

On the screen, in the animation, Arron had one arm around the little woman in his arms, and the little woman’s expression remained unchanged.

Half an hour ago, melon-eating people on the entire network felt that this woman’s face was like a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water.

However, when they looked at Suzi again at this time, they suddenly understood what it means to not be humiliated, what it means to be outside, and what it means to be neither humble nor overbearing. Only then did they Yanran discover what a proud woman Suzi was.

When she was weak, she knew that she could not fight the menacing framers, and knew that any explanation would be futile and would make herself more humiliated, so she was fighting silently.

At this time, in the arms of her husband, she was saved, but she was not rampant when she gained power.

She is very quiet.

Quiet enough to make people admire.

After a long time, someone made the first comment.

[Eat melon and eat to support]: I finally understand what it means to kill people by public opinion. From then on, I no longer believe in online transmissions. Sometimes it really kills an innocent life. Fortunately, Mrs. Fu has a strong heart and can do it. Don’t be surprised, if you change to a fragile heart, you may have succumbed to death long ago, I’m sorry, I apologize.

[The most beautiful small public act]: Cyber violence! Whose fault is it? I am not the most beautiful little official, I am the executioner! Sincere apologies.

[Heartbroken batch]: You people, I have watched here for more than an hour, and I haven’t spoken once. I think something is wrong. How can there be such a woman in this world? Find a reporter for yourself. Bring the savage man outside of yourself and tear up the mistress? Just kidding! Isn’t this unpleasant to find yourself? You still followed up with a boo, and it’s a blessing that you haven’t wronged people! Stop booing and go to sleep!

[Popular Heart]: Those ladies who look noble in gold and silver are extremely dirty in their hearts.

[The last nobleman]: There are no real noblemen in this world. They are all shrews, but they still have to use the name of noblemen to commit violence to a girl who can’t fight back in a high-sounding manner. Those fake ladies, Really D*mn it!

[Little Mengmeng Li]: I feel so distressed that Mrs. Fu is so distressed to cry.

[Unruly Young Master]: Fourth Master Fu! Kill all those ugly ladies who maliciously attacked Mrs. Fu, they don’t deserve to live!

[Freedom]: Mrs. Fu does not cry, I will always be your fan.

Suddenly, the comments below fell to Suzi’s side as if it were one-sided.

At this moment, sitting in Arron’s car, Suzi, who was scanning these comments one by one on his phone, did not change his face.

She is going to the kindergarten to pick up the only one with her husband.

At the entrance of the kindergarten, the car stopped, Suzi got out of the car, and four or five female colleagues surrounded him.

Chapter 548


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