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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 580

Read Chapter 579 – 580 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 579

Just this little smile is enough to warm up and down the staff of the entire Fu Group.

Especially female staff.

“Have you seen Fu’s official blog?”

“Ha! It’s so sensational, who can’t see it! The official blog of the Fu Group has not released any new news for three years, and one news after three years, that is, our chief executive of no-female bathing company is holding his arms around him. The picture of the wife is warm. The chief executive showed me the lively Hades who are straight men and not like women. If they sprinkle dog food, they really don’t have anything to do with the men who usually show off. They can wash it. Go to sleep.”

“Suddenly discovered that I really like the president!”

“Why did you suddenly find out that you have always had a crush on the president!”

“I used to like it vaguely, but now I like it so much? I didn’t know that the CEO would hurt women so much. Now that I know, I… I really want to be asleep by the CEO.” A mature woman said very intoxicated. To.

“Get out! You nympho! Be careful to be heard by the president’s wife and cut your double bag!”

“Don’t you want to be slept by the president?”

“I…I also thought, but I just thought about it in my heart and never dared to say it. I didn’t dare to say it before. Now that the president has his own wife, I don’t even dare to say it anymore. I’m very happy to see the CEO more every day at work.”

“Hi, who’s not?”

“Stop talking, the president is here!”

Several chatting women suddenly shut up.

Nobody in the entire Fu Group is not afraid of Arron, not only because they all know that Arron kills people like numb and hard as iron, but also because Arron is always unsmiling and calm when working in the company.

This kind of calm is more terrifying than the kind of man with a sullen face.

However, Mr. Fu today is different.

On his calm face, there was such a slight smile that was not easily detectable.

When passing in front of a few white-collar ladies, the man who had always been silent said: “Thanks for your hard get off work, get off work early.” The white-collar workers were stunned.

Until the figure of the president walked away and entered the exclusive elevator, the group of women were still stunned.

Later, one of them came back to his senses first: “Did I have a dream just now? The president was saying hello to us.”

“I had the same dream as you!”

“Me too.”

“Then, we are not dreaming, the president did say hello to us.”

“It must be the president’s wife.”

“The president’s wife must be a fairy.”

“I really envy the president’s wife, who can capture the heart of such a king-like man.”

“Envy +1, don’t dare to be jealous.”

“Envy +2, don’t dare to be jealous +1”

“Envy +3, dare not be jealous +2”

When the female employees of the Fu Group were discussing it, and they envied the wife of the President of the Fu Group, Arron had already taken a car to the construction company in Suzi to pick up Suzi.

Suzi is also very busy this afternoon.

After all, I haven’t worked for a few days, and it takes time to organize it.

However, she is still busy and happy. No one finds fault with her. She only lets her concentrate on her work. Suzi is a person who is serious and responsible for any work.

Before you know it, it’s time for get off work.

Suzi packed up his bags, and went out talking and laughing with Galia and Rayna. As soon as he got out of the door, Suzi saw the man leaning in front of the car door in a leisurely manner.

“Get off work?” Arron asked in a low and light tone.

Chapter 580

Seeing the man in front of him, Suzi subconsciously looked around, back and forth.


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