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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 582

Read Chapter 581 – 582 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 581

Suzi smiled: “It’s okay.”

“Thank you so much, shall I invite you to dinner another day?” The mother still eagerly said around Suzi.

Suzi can’t stand this most.

She lowered her head slightly, pursed her lips and smiled. When she saw the only one came out, she took the one and nodded and said hello to the mother, and hurried away.

The mother was still sighing behind her: “Yeah, the wife of the chief executive, there really isn’t any arrogance at all.”

“Seriously, I also discovered today that the more people with status and status, the less pretentious they are. You see, Mrs. Fu, is really like a sister next door. On the contrary, it is the rich women who think they are right. Like two to five to eighty thousand.” Another mother said intentionally.

Not far away, stood three arrogant ladies. At this moment, when they saw someone talking about them, they didn’t even dare to put a fart.

At the entrance of this kindergarten, no matter it was a lady or a mother with average family conditions, they all looked at Suzi who was leading Lilly away with envy.

Suzi’s back is graceful and calm, and the little girl she is holding in her hand is chirping like a little sparrow.

“Mom, I made new friends again today.” Lilly said to his mother happily.

Suzi’s heart is very warm.

Although she had been shocked for the first three days in a hell-like suffering.

But fortunately, her daughter was not affected in any way. Her daughter is still so happy and can make friends.

Suzi squatted down and looked at Shen Only: “Tell mom, what kind of friend is it?”

“The new kid in our class, she introduced herself, and I also introduced me, mom. When I celebrate my birthday, can I invite my new friend?”

“Of course no problem!” Suzi trailed.

The mother and daughter got in the car together. When he saw Arron, Shen’s only first sentence was a sweet compliment: “Dad, you are so handsome today.”

Arron smiled slightly: “Your little mouth is so sweet.”

“No dad, you are different today. You used to have a sullen face, as if you were the only one who owed you money, but everyone knows that you owe my milk powder money, and I don’t owe you, so I don’t know why you are sullen, not handsome at all, but today is different, today you are very handsome.” Even Lilly found out that Dad’s is different.

Arron: “…”

Has he changed?

Did she play it up?

For a while, the man couldn’t see through the little woman around him.

Just looking at her talking and laughing when she was eating with two colleagues in the company, and when she was off work at night, she probably liked to make friends, but looking at her dodging at the door of the only kindergarten, he again I think she has social phobia.

During this dinner, Arron specifically asked Suzi: “You…do not like to socialize with people?”

Suzi nodded: “I don’t like to socialize with phony.”

“You have to go to have a party.” Arron said abruptly.

Suzi nodded without thinking: “Yeah.”

Arron didn’t understand: “Why, aren’t you afraid?”

Suzi shook his head: “Not afraid.”

Is there something to be afraid of? Haven’t you experienced the scene like yesterday? There are some things that can’t be taken away if you are afraid. It’s better to calm down and accept it calmly.

After eating a few mouthfuls of rice, she raised her head and asked, “What kind of entertainment is complicated?”

In fact, what she really wanted to ask was, could it be the fancy pornography that abused her?

Arron replied: “The official meeting of the young ladies of the Fu Group.”

Chapter 582

“Oh.” Suzi flushed slightly, and said nothing.

This kind of meeting must be arranged at full discretion. She only needs to attend. She is a very transparent and sensible person. At the meeting, she will not talk nonsense, and she can do it on the spot. Dumb and vase.

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Suzi said: “If there is nothing else, you coax the only one to play, the only one has not played with dad for a few days, she is now used to you, and she is not happy to play those games with me, she I want to play an intellectual game with you. You play with the only one. I will go to work for a while, and there are several drawings to produce.”

The man also put down the bowls and chopsticks and asked her: “Do you like your job?”


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