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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 624

Read Chapter 623 – 624 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 623

Take forever!

Dove occupy the magpie’s nest!

Forget it if you are so arrogant, you can still raked in the back and ran to the door of the company to beat up your cousin! Did you know that you would go to jail for beating people in public! “

“No!” When Suzi said so, Rayna was suddenly startled, and then blurted out: “I didn’t have a dove to occupy the magpie’s nest, I was…”

Walton was half talking, and suddenly stopped.

Then she turned around and ran away quickly.

No one can understand what Walton meant, because Suzi and Galia only cared about Rayna.

Suzi looked at Rayna: “Are you okay, Rayna?”

Rayna shook his head: “It’s okay, thank you Suzi.”

Suzi slapped Rayna with annoyance: “I really don’t know where your previous arrogance has gone. When you dealt with me, you were not so embarrassed. In the end, you still k!ssed your cousin. , I didn’t get angry at all. I’d rather stand in front of you and help you offend people.”

Suzi is actually a joke.

She has no affection for Walton.

At this moment, when Suzi saw Walton bullying anyone, she would help.

Rayna nodded, still feeling affectionate for that family, and didn’t hate her cousin: “I don’t really know how to set it up. She is my cousin, and my parents love her so much. , I just hope they can calm down a little earlier and let me go home.” After speaking, Rayna’s expression dimmed again.

Galia on the side couldn’t help but sigh: “There are even parents like you in the world. I don’t object to them loving your niece, but you can’t ignore your own daughter just because you love your niece?

What a strange pair of parents. “

Rayna smiled bitterly: “Yes, my parents have always valued my cousin since childhood. They said she was a noble lady, and that she could marry the most noble man in Nancheng in the future. Let me and my cousin. Learn a little bit. Now the cousin’s bank card is frozen, and she has become a woman who doesn’t even have a job and can’t cook by herself, and I haven’t seen how my parents dislike her.

It’s that they hate me more and more. “

“Huh! Rayna, work harder, marry Young Master Jun! If you become Lenny’s wife, see who of them dare to look down on you again!” Galia originally made a joke.

However, as soon as her voice fell, she heard the whistle of a car behind her: “Who wants to marry me? Is it my Xiao Rayna? Xiao Rayna, come up, I will take you to buy a dress now. I promise that I will help you buy the dress. Except for my fourth aunt, you are the most beautiful woman in the audience.”

Rayna: “…”

Galia quickly pushed Rayna: “Go, go! Rayna! You fool!”

Rayna was still stunned, she even stammered: “Well, Master Jun…after trying on the clothes, you…you must send me to Yan. Go to Yan’s house. If you don’t send me back, then I…I won’t try on clothes.”

Although Rayna was kicked out of the house, even though she was scolded so badly by her parents and cousins, although she was not arrogant and domineering before, she became more and more self-esteem.

In the car, Lenny smiled and said, “Don’t worry! I will definitely send you to Galia’s house. Get in the car!”

Rayna then followed Lenny into the car.

Behind Lenny’s car is Darius’s car. Darius sitting in the car looked at Rayna’s back, suddenly thoughtful, and then he took out his mobile phone and dialed a set of numbers: “Mom… …”

Chapter 624

At that end, Darius’s mother asked in surprise: “A Zhen, you rarely call your mother. I know you want to say that Lanita is not your cousin, it is Suzi, but A Zhen, it is Lanita and How about Suzi? The most important thing is who can comfort your grandpa.


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