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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 626

Read Chapter 625 – 626 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 625

Galia raised her chin proudly: “Huh! Don’t! I’m equal to you! Although I can’t afford high-end evening dresses, I can pass on my girlfriends. Don’t forget, I have a wealthy man. My girlfriend! This weekend I will go to Suzi’s house first and choose my favorite dress in her cloakroom. I decided to overwhelm all women at the banquet!”

“Puff…” Darius, who has always been refined, suddenly laughed out a donkey cry.

Yan Yannang asked with his nose very dissatisfied: “What are you laughing at! Is it so ridiculous? You are obviously laughing at me!”

Suzi also whitened Darius and gave a stunned look: “Yes, President Shu, don’t underestimate our Galia. Our Galia is a small beauty. Maybe she will be the most eye-catching beauty in the banquet phenomenon? “

“Yes!” Galia became even more arrogant.

Darius narrowed his smile, looked at Galia solemnly, and suddenly lowered his voice and asked: “Little beauty Galia, you probably forgot. Just two weeks ago, there was a woman named Tan Yanqun. She didn’t wear Suzi. She just took the crocodile leather clutch from Suzi and almost…”

What Darius mentioned was the last time Siu gave Suzi a Hongmen banquet. When Luo Cuicui’s mother Tan Yanqun appeared in the banquet hall with Suzi’s clutch, she was almost killed by Arron.

When Lenny said this, Galia shuddered in shock.

In the advanced stage, she opened the door of Lenny very quickly, quickly got into the car, and then watched the door.

Then, he poked his head out and said to Suzi: “I’m sorry Suzi, I…I won’t go to you to pass on your clothes. Could you please help Siye and say that I have never I’ve never coveted your fashion dresses, never coveted, you must help me tell Fourth Master Fu…”

Lenny’s car drove out at once.

After walking a hundred meters away, he poked Galia’s forehead: “Little girl, do you know what your name was just now?”

Galia asked, “What’s it called…what’s it called?”

Galia: “…what do you mean?”

While driving, Darius said slowly: “If Arron waits for Suzi not far away, he will definitely hear what you say, then he must also know that you are thinking of those in Suzi’s house. What about beautiful clothes.”

Galia: “…”

She suddenly cried and said with a sad face: “Fu Siye…she won’t really want to kill me, ohhh…my cousin is still a bodyguard who drives him, so I can’t give him My cousin saves face?”

Seeing that the little girl was almost crying, Darius felt funny again. Suddenly feel distressed.

He raised his warm big hand and stroked the little girl’s hair, and said: “No, you can become Suzi’s best friend, Arron is happy that it’s too late.”

Galia: “Really? You didn’t lie to me?”

Darius nodded: “Of course I won’t lie to you.”

He still knows something about Arron.

However, what Darius didn’t know was that, as he said, Arron was really not far from his car, and he really heard Galia’s bold words.

As soon as Darius left, Arron’s car came to Suzi.

Suzi was surprised at the time, and then she opened the car door and explained to Arron: “Um… Galia wanted to go to the house and choose my clothes. In fact, I let her go. She didn’t want to go. I have to let her go…”

“I also want her to come home.” Arron interrupted Suzi and said bluntly.

Chapter 626

Suzi looked at Arron puzzledly: “Huh? You…what do you mean?”

Arron had to explain again: “I told you a few days ago that I asked you to bring your girlfriends to play at home.”

Suzi: “…”


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