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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 628

Read Chapter 627 – 628 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 627

She also knew that 80% of Arron would not agree.

However, Arron said: “The only one, go up with my father first, and my mother has to talk to Uncle Yan for a while.”

Lilly immediately followed Arron upstairs.

Suzi: “…” She stared at the back of the two women dumbfounded.

Here, Christopher smiled and said to Suzi: “Madam, do you remember that I told you something as early as six years ago?”

Suzi: “Huh?”

Christopher continued: “I said, Master is actually a very warm person, but some of his life managers have caused him to become so cold-blooded and ruthless, but that is not his essence, his essence is like this, a good one. Husband, good father.”

Suzi lowered his head with a smile.

To say that she can’t feel that he is getting warmer and warmer, that’s because she lied to herself.

In fact, even if Christopher didn’t say anything, Suzi could feel Arron’s change.

“Madam.” Christopher couldn’t bear to interrupt Suzi when he saw his wife immersed in happiness and sweetness. However, it seemed that Suzi had something to talk with him and he had to interrupt again.

“Huh?” Suzi glanced at Christopher, then remembered, and immediately said: “Assistant Yan, Fu…what is going on with him? I know he is more and more admired for our mother and daughter now. Heart, but no matter how much you care about it, he won’t urge me to bring my girlfriends to play at home?”

“It’s such a lady.” Christopher said immediately: “This is a plan of the Fourth Master. When the Fourth Master decided to take charge of the Fu Group seven years ago, he already had such a plan, and the Fourth Master was going to take over. In an island city near Southeast Asia.”

“Um…” Elder Shu specially came to tell her about this matter today.

Suzi did not interrupt Christopher, but motioned for him to continue. Christopher went on to say: “But then, because the Fourth Master had been looking for you all over the country, he spent a lot of experience, and he didn’t have the mind to care about the island. Now your mother and daughter have returned to him, he naturally Go to finish what he hadn’t done.”

“Why is he obsessed with an island? It’s no joke to take an island city.” Suzi is a world event that she doesn’t understand anymore, and she also knows that it’s definitely not an easy task.

“Because Siye’s mother, Siye’s mother and her family’s ancestry are all islanders, but later due to various reasons, all of Siye’s mother’s family died. The evil Siye’s mother, you also know that she was forced to leave her hometown and come here. , And also became the master’s nameless outside room, so revenge for the old lady and the old lady’s family is the life of the fourth master. The biggest wish of the fourth master in this life is to take the island.

The reason why he later chose to take charge of the Fu Group. It was also in preparation for taking that island. “

“But, what does it have to do with letting my girlfriend come to the house as a guest?” Suzi asked curiously.

“Because I am afraid that you are lonely, because I am afraid that if you are bullied, you will not have a helper by your side. To put it bluntly, the Fourth Master wants you to plump your own wings.” Christopher said.

Suzi also suddenly realized: “It turned out to be like this.”

After a pause, she asked again: “Assistant Yan, if I ask you something, you must tell me the truth!”

Christopher immediately said with a solemn expression: “Madam, please.”

Suzi asked in a slightly pitiful tone: “During the six years when I fled, did Arron find a lot of killers, chasing me and my brother again and again?”

Christopher frowned immediately: “Madam, what did you say!”

“Isn’t it you?” Suzi also frowned. This is the biggest fishbone between her and Arron.

Suzi has always been on guard against Arron, feeling that Arron is moody. The biggest reason is that she was constantly chased by Arron during the six years of fleeing abroad.

For this reason, Sanford’s leg was also disabled.

Christopher suddenly said, “Madam! I know who is chasing you! I know!”

Chapter 628

Suzi also knows.

When Christopher was stunned, Suzi knew that she had been blaming Arron for so many years.

For so many years, those who pursued her and Sanford were trying to kill them in the name of Arron.

So, in this world, the person who most wants to kill Suzi…

“The Lin Family!”


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