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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 686

Read Chapter 685 – 686 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 685

“If Sanford is in front of me again, I will cut off his leg and throw it into Jiangli.” The man said blankly.

Suzi: “…”

Christopher: “…”

He looked at his wife innocently.

Muttered inwardly.


You…how do you…

You and Master have been together for so long, and you all know that Master is terrified, why didn’t you see that Master is still a jealous jar, a jar of jealousy!

Suzi was dumbfounded for a long time.

She couldn’t believe that this man who had been gentle to her for a day, this man who put her crystal shoes in front of everyone, she was so sweet all day, why did she think he was so gentle and warm? But at this moment, she even felt that his soul had been replaced.


Now he is him!

The man who was warm during the day, put on her shoes, supported her, and held her waist wherever he went, not him!

Suzi ignored him angrily!

It’s time to get out of the car, she got out of the car, bending over but couldn’t hold her.

In the end, the man carried the only one, and she followed.

Entering the door, Sister Li and Ye Tian greeted them.

“Madam, is it going well to the old house today?” Aunt Li asked gently.

Suzi nodded slightly with a smile: “Yeah.”

The old house is very complete! But the man made her very angry!

Suzi hung up the bag, took off his high heels and went to the bathroom.

After wearing high heels for a day, she was tired, so she took a shower and then went out to eat.

During the meal, the only one woke up. The little girl slept and became alive again. She twittered and told Sister Li and Sister Tian about what happened during the day. By the way, she told them: “My father hurts my mother, but my father still I squatted down and put on shoes for my mother, but my father didn’t wear shoes for me. My mother said that I would treat my father well tonight.”

The little princess’s little mouth Barabara.

Suzi, who was eating, was ashamed and couldn’t eat anymore.

She happened to be full, so she put down the dishes and went to her small studio and stopped coming out.

Anyway, a man will coax the only person to sleep, so she doesn’t have to worry about it at all.

Mainly, Suzi was really busy during this time. She wanted to get more drawings, then adjust the time and ask for leave to go back to her hometown.

She drew the blueprints carefully in the room. From time to time, she heard the laughter of the father and daughter in the toy room. Suzi felt that she was relieved at work. She had been working until late at night, and she had forgotten the time.

A pair of rich hands encircled her thin waist from behind, and lifted her up easily, with the man’s palm just resting under her chest.

Suzi blushed after brushing her face: “You…what are you going to do! Do you want to carry out a sneak attack in your own home!”

The man’s head was buried in her white neck, blowing slowly, and his voice was lazy and dull: “Who told me that she wants to treat me well at night, do you want to break your promise and get fat?”

Suzi is still angry with him.

Think he is a chameleon!

Treat her tenderly to the sky a minute ago.

After a minute, he changed his face and went to hell.

“What if you break your promise and get fat!” She answered him with a cold face.

But her heart was tickled by his breath again.

“Do you know the result of breaking your promise and getting fat? That is you can only let me punish you!” Yufu, the man no longer gave her a chance to struggle, so he took her back to the big bedroom with a side support.

The bedroom door closed with a’bang’!

Chapter 686

This night, men are doomed to punish women.

However, he said it was punishment, but he always gave her more.

And at the end of the punishment, even the man himself does not know whether he is punishing her or she is punishing him?

Or is he thinking of ways to reward her?


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