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Punished by His Love (FULL book) novel Chapter 688

Read Chapter 687 – 688 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 687

Arron: “…”

Dreaming that he was washing her feet?

This little woman!

Kind of will enjoy.

The man couldn’t help but sneer: count you ruthless!

He took the quilt and hugged her with himself, then picked up the phone and took a warm photo, which instantly appeared on the Fu Group’s frontline blog.

The text above: Good night.

In just two words, Arron’s happiness is fully expressed.


Arron’s happiness.

It was their mother and daughter that brought him happiness.

To make their mother and daughter happy is also what Arron has to do all his life.

This night, many night owls who slept at night witnessed the happiness of the president of the Fu Group.

This night, some people ordered them, and some people cursed them.

At this moment, when Arron embraced Suzi and fell asleep happily, the three of the Lin family were cursing Arron and Suzi.

They stayed up all night.

To be precise, since Jarod, Moira and Lanita were driven out of the Fu family’s old house and returned to the Lin family, they have been restless.

At the beginning, Moira had just gotten home and lost her temper to Jarod: “You D*mn thing! Are you tempted at the banquet? Are you tempted by Suzi!”

Jarod looked at Moira fiercely: “I shouldn’t be tempted by her! Look at what good things you and your daughter have done, your faces have been cleansed by you!”

After finishing speaking, Jarod kicked Lanita, who was still dazzling: “Look at what you look like, not a human or a ghost! Even in the public, you say you want to pee! Why don’t you die? You die for me now! I don’t have a daughter like you! You weren’t my biological daughter either, you also risked…”

Halfway through what Jarod said, Lanita knelt in front of Jarod: “Dad…even if I made a lot of mistakes, but I was born and you watched me grow up. Ah, Dad! I am your daughter! Suzi… she came to you when she was twelve years old. She never called you Dad.

At the banquet today, you were so embarrassed that she never felt sorry for you.

She only hates you!


Suzi only hates you!

And me, I am your daughter!


Lanita cried sorrowfully, very sadly.

Jarod immediately relented, after all, he was the child he had raised since birth.

Lanita was right. Suzi only hated him, and that hatred was very deep and deep.

“Dad, let’s run away.” Lanita raised her head to look at Jarod and suggested.

Jarod: “…”

Moira next to him: “…”

At this moment, among the family of three, Lanita was the calmest.

The insult she received today was too great, and it was such a big insult that made Lanita thoroughly aware of one thing, and it would be impossible for Arron to marry Lanita in this life.

Not only that, with Arron’s temper, it is impossible for Arron to let her Lanita live anymore.

After all, she pretended to be Suzi six years ago.

She had let Suzi escape for six years.

She chased and killed Suzi for six years.

This is all second.

Most importantly, she was pregnant with someone else’s child, but if she was Arron’s child, she almost entered the marriage hall with Arron.

All of the above was enough for Arron to kill their family of three.

Chapter 688


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