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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 65

Arthur's voice was particularly low, sounding in the ancient study.

The old Mr. Morrison frowned shaping into three lines on his forehead.

The atmosphere suddenly froze and both of them didn’t want to give in.

After a long time, the old Mr. Morrison's eyebrows trembled slightly, and the weak voice sounded in the study.

"She's willing to be put in prison instead of you. There's no force. She's always the eldest daughter-in-law of the Morrison family because of this point. It's a good thing for a woman who has no background like her. It's a little late for you to stand for her at the moment."

"I'm not going to stand for her," Arthur said with indifferent eyes. "But you shouldn't hide it from me. I didn’t kill anyone. I have a clear conscience."

As soon as the sound faded, the old Mr. Morrison's eyebrows immediately raised.

"Have you stayed at home too long? Is that something you can solve with a clear conscience? Someone wants to calculate you. It is clear that they want to let you take the rap. If it is possible to change, do you think I'd like to let Jocelyn become a fall guy? Anyway, she is also a member of Morrison family, representing our Morrison family. But you have to know, because of this matter Morrison family has offended the Southern Military Region. If you really go to prison, you really think that you can be safe during three years prison life?”

On hearing this, Arthur frowned slightly.

The meaning of him was that it was not easy during the three years in prison, and all he deserved was experienced by Jocelyn for him. It all happened to Jocelyn.

No wonder, she talked to him with such a proud. When she came back, she was tough and had no fear like a new one.

Seeing that Arthur did not speak, the old Mr. Morrison only thought that he had understood, and he eased a little.

"Arthur, you remember that if you want to go on the military and political field all the time, you can't have any blemish in your life. Everyone can give up when necessary. The most taboo is that you are too emotional. You have suffered. Have Liz’s death not made you understand this reason yet?"

When he heard the word "Liz", Arthur's eyebrows shook fiercely, and his face, which had always been cold and expressionless, flashed a slight of deep sorrow.

A long time later, Arthur asked, "So when you asked Jocelyn carry the can for me, and in fact, at first you did not intend to let her live out?"

"What are you saying?"The displeasure showed on the old Mr. Morrison’s face. "She is the eldest daughter-in-law of our Morrison family, your wife. She have only sentenced three years because I circled with many people. What benefits do our Morrison family have to let her did in prison?"

"That's not you?"


Arthur's eyes were deep and he was serious.

"Ken investigated that during her three years in prison, she has suffered a lot. She almost lost her life several times. If someone hadn't ordered that, this would not have happened."

Jocelyn was the eldest daughter-in-law of the Morrison family. She went to prison and was arranged by the old Mr. Morrison before. The prison guards did not take extra care of her while they did not care about the beating of her by other prisoners in the prison. This was strange.

Hearing this, the old Mr. Morrison's face also changed slightly. He thought for a moment, "I'm afraid it has something to do with the Lee family."

Arthur's eyebrows frowned. "In recent years, there have been many conflicts between the Lee faction and our people in the army, and they still hold the grudge about what happened at that time."

"That's the part of the reason, but moreover they want to take the opportunity to provoke disputes."

Political affairs were very complicated. A woman who was loved by a big man couldn’t change the situation. Everything was on the set track. It would happen when it should happen.


On Saturday morning, Jocelyn woke up naturally and turned around to feel the empty space beside her. She opened her eyes and knew that she was the only one in the room all night again. All of a sudden, her head had a little blank.

She counted a while. She had not seen Arthur for some days. After that embarrassing incident in the bathroom on that day, Arthur was 'suddenly' busy in the army. He hasn’t come home for several nights.

Chapter 65: I Didn't Kill Anyone 1

Chapter 65: I Didn't Kill Anyone 2


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