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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 67

Jocelyn almost pinched in the fresh but she couldn't feel any pain in the palm. She was worried about Polly.

Nobody knew what exactly Nicola was thinking. He looked slovenly. And it seemed he didn't care about anything. However, it was he who planned all of this. He even investigated Polly's background.

People behind Polly was the Fosters. The Fosters were the major shareholder in the Shaohe Group in Jiangnan. The Shaohe Group was a big group in domestic food industry. When you walked into a supermarket, you could see most of snacks or drinks were made by the companies of the Shaohe Group.

Polly Foster was the only girl in the Fosters. The moment she was born, she became the most cherish baby in this family. She had studied in the aristocratic school abroad since she was young. But she had her own ideas. As soon as she graduated from high school, she was back and applied for the film academy. Then she hid her identity and entered the showbiz.

Polly came out of the bathroom. She dared not to waste others' time and took a shortcut to go back to the cast.

Because the machine wasn't ready. They didn't start to shoot. Luckily, she came back early.

Gina waited for her for a while, standing in front of the van. She waved to her from a distance when seeing she was back.

"What took you so long?"

"But I thought we haven't started yet? Why you are in such a hurry?"

"Someone is waiting for you." Gina averted her eyes, and Polly followed that direction. She saw a stranger beside the van. The stranger was a woman, who looked pretty. Their eyes met, she gave Polly a smile, which made Polly feel so familiar.

"That is Jocelyn Turner, a designer of the Morrison Jewelry." Gina lowered her voice.

Polly frowned. "What's wrong with that Morrison Jewelry? Why they keep chasing me? Nicola Morrison just left. Why there is another one? "

"Can you keep your voice down? Please."

Gina rolled her eyes. "They are here, what can you do? Even if you do not want, please just be nice to her. Or I'm really done with you. I have almost offended all of the people in this circle because of you."

Polly was immediately afraid. All these years she had been in the showbiz, the only one who never gave up on her was her agent, Gina. She was even closer than her family. She really should listen to her advises.

Seeing Polly just standing there, Jocelyn was not in a hurry. She stood patiently in front of the van with a vacuum bottle in her hand. Finally Gina dragged Polly to walk toward her.

"Sorry, Miss Turner, Polly just came back from the washroom. It's hot outside. Let's get into the car."

"All right." Jocelyn nodded politely and followed them to get into the van.

"It's the first time we meet, I did not know what Miss Foster like. The weather is hot, so I brought a cold mung bean soup to Miss Foster."

Jocelyn put the vacuum bottle on the table and said, "It can relieve the summer heat."

"Thank you, Miss Turner." Polly said with a blank face. Then she said directly.

"I am not the kind of person who likes to talk in a roundabout way. And I don't have any time to speak much with you. If Miss Turner is here to talk about jewelry with me, it's better not to waste time on me. There are so many celebrities. Why you keep wasting time on me?"

Gina froze. Polly didn't look at her when she kept tipping her with the wink.

Jocelyn looked surprised.

"I really do nothing about the cooperation. Dose Miss Foster mean that you won't work with our company?"

Chapter 67: Something Is Wrong with the Mung Bean Soup 1


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