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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Give Up the Plan

"Look, the snow tonight is so beautiful."

"Jacob, today is our baby's memorial day. Have you ever thought about him for even a moment throughout this year?"

"I thought he was just a pawn for you to retaliate against me."

Jacob realized belatedly that he assumed her target was Layla, but he had overlooked Ethan.

She deliberately chose today to make Ethan a sacrifice in memory of her child.

In this way, she could also seek revenge on Jacob and Layla.

Jacob felt both anxious and furious. Avery never changed; she had never let go of extreme thoughts!

In just over a minute, Jacob's heart went through a rollercoaster of emotions, and his palms were sweating.

He rushed upstairs in one breath. The current round of fireworks had already finished, and the next round was being prepared. The whole world seemed to be suddenly paused, with only the sound of his running footsteps.

The second-floor deck was empty. When Jacob reached the edge, the ocean was still roaring, fiercely hitting the ship's hull and splashing large waves.

He couldn't see anyone there. Did he arrive too late?

Jacob felt as if he had fallen into an icy cave. He was freezing from head to toe.

Suddenly, a voice of excitement and tears came from downstairs. "Mr. Ethan, how did you climb up here? You scared me! I found him, I found Mr. Ethan!"

Upon hearing this voice, Jacob felt like he had just escaped death. His tall body slid to the ground.

The hot sweat that covered his body turned cold as soon as the wind blew, and he held his chest as if his heart was about to jump out.

He covered his face and laughed. For the first time in his life, he tasted the ups and downs.

From hell to heaven, it was just like this.

He didn't see Avery crouching behind a barrel at that moment, looking at the steadily falling snow in the sky.

At the critical moment, she gave up her plan to make Jacob suffer.

To be fair, she couldn't bear taking Ethan's life.


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