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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Mr. Ethan Has Been Abducted

He left behind a perplexing remark for Avery to ponder and then left.

No reprimands, no madness, not even a single inquiry.

What did it mean by her most correct choice?

The door slammed shut, and a new round of fireworks ignited. Avery watched the fleeting brilliance of the fireworks, reminiscent of her own barren life.

Apart from brief moments of brilliance, all that remained was endless desolation and darkness.

While everyone immersed themselves in the festive atmosphere, Avery suddenly heard a woman's scream.

"Mr. Ethan!"

Did she mishear it?

The next moment, Avery saw several men rushing past her room door, one of them carrying Ethan!

Avery had no idea what had happened, but by the time she reacted, she was already chasing after them.

Ethan's mournful cries echoed through the corridor, yet at this moment, everyone was absorbed in the fireworks feast. Even most of the security guards were busy setting off fireworks.

It seemed that Gail had injured his leg and couldn't run, so he could only watch helplessly as his child was taken away.

Apparently, there was more than one person on this cruise ship scheming against Ethan.

Avery was glad she had changed out of her formal dress earlier, allowing her to catch up swiftly.

She unleashed the speed she had during her high school days when competing in short-distance races. In the instant when several people were about to escape on a speedboat, Avery realized there was no time to waste. She disregarded everything and leaped onto the speedboat.

As they fled for their lives, little did they know that an additional person had suddenly appeared on the speedboat. It was a breathless woman.


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