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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Finding Solace

Frank looked at her, confused. Instead of looking at him, Avery gazed into the distance and continued, "To be honest, when I said I would help you, it wasn't out of sincerity. Once you get involved with that person, there's no way to come out unscathed."

"When you receive the ransom, you will fall into his trap. Not only you, but everyone on this island will be in danger."

Upon hearing these words, Frank subconsciously touched the knife hidden by his side. Avery ignored his action and continued, "But then I saw that each of you, despite living in poverty, have a positive spirit.

"Perhaps it's an elderly person in the village who died because he couldn't afford medical treatment. Maybe it's Randy, who wants to learn how to draw but can't even afford a pencil. Or it could be Lois, who cut up her softest piece of clothing to make diapers for a stranger's child. Suddenly, I understand you. You're not from here, are you?"

"No," Frank replied succinctly.

"You want to help them as much as you can, and now I feel the same way. This place is beautiful and shouldn't be tainted by worldly affairs. It should continue to bask in the sunlight."

"What do you mean?" Frank was patient. On this day, he treated her as a guest instead of discussing how to blackmail Jacob.

In fact, it was this kindness that made Avery change her initial intention of teaching them a lesson.

"What you want is money, and it doesn't have to be from Jacob."

She looked into his eyes and stressed his tone. "I have money. It's not a lot, but it should be enough to help you guys."

"How much do you have?"

"one hundred million dollars."

Frank was stunned. Did she call that not a lot?

Under Frank's inquisitive gaze, Avery chuckled. "I know you must be wondering how someone could be so foolish to willingly give money to strangers. I only told half of the story. Would you like to hear the other half?"

"Yes, please go ahead."


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