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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 A Dispute

Without a word, Jacob's face turned cold as he strode towards Avery, carrying a pervasive aura of chill.

His Adam's apple moved slightly. "I also hope this has nothing to do with you. On that day, however, you went, and you stayed in the cemetery for three hours. Tell me, what were you doing?"

Avery found it utterly ridiculous. "I told you before. I went to visit Grandma. Is it wrong for me to talk to her when there's no one else to confide in? This is a tombstone, not a steamed bun. It won't break just from a touch! Even if you want to frame me, please present some evidence."

"Take a good look. What is this?"

Jacob pulled out more photos, and Avery, holding a hammer, even surprised herself.

"A cemetery worker dropped his tool. I saw him pitiable, so I picked it up for him."

Avery couldn't fathom how someone managed to capture this moment on camera. She hastened to explain, "I only spoke a few words at Grace's grave. Everything was fine when I left. Jacob, believe me. Why would I do such a thing? What benefit does it bring to me?"

Seeing her flustered attempts at justification, Jacob found it bitterly comical. He lifted her chin with his long, slender fingers, pressing lightly against her lips. "Such a beautiful mouth and not a single word of truth. John has already admitted that he told you about Grace's grave, and you even went as far as hiring a private detective."

She knew that nothing could escape Jacob's keen eyes, so she confessed directly, "Yes, I did hire a detective to investigate this matter. But it was to understand why you suddenly changed like this. Even if I knew that Olivia was Grace, I only left a bouquet of flowers at her grave and then went to Grandma's grave. Moreover, I... I'm sick and don't have the strength to turn the scene into such a mess!"

"Do you think I would believe this?Until her death, Grace assumed Olivia's identity. Apart from your Adams family, she had no enemies. Why would anyone desecrate her tombstone when she was assumed dead for two years?"


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