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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 She Has a Fever

Avery had always been a symbol of vitality in Jacob's impression. Jacob's mind was jumbled when John remarked her life would be in danger.

John trotted to him and opened the blood test images on his phone. Besides her red and white blood cells, the values of her various lymphocyte and other cell types were slightly lower than average.

Jacob recalled Avery's heart-wrenching scream when he left. "What have I done?" he thought.

It seemed his life had been frightened out. Jacob drawled, "John, she is on a fever."

"That's too bad. We must send Madam Avery to the hospital right now."

"Get the car ready."

Jacob thought about how Avery had been wrapped in a down jacket when they met recently, a stark contrast to her usual preference for stylish woolen coats.

Only then did he realize she wasn't just putting on a show.

She got sick for real.

Jacob anxiously wrapped her with blankets, making sure no draught could enter.


Avery's cheeks were flushed red, making her look pitiful and adorable.

She had had a fever before. Jacob couldn't figure out why suddenly it became life-threatening for her.

As he carried her in his arms, Jacob could tell she had lost a lot of weight compared to before. His fingers tightened.

Jacob rushed Avery to the private hospital overnight. Nolan came with the blood test report. "Sir, I have reviewed Madam Avery's status briefly. Her condition is critical. We need to give her a leukogenic injection immediately."

Jacob had been holding her the whole time. Avery's fever-induced murmurs continued.


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