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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 The Child Is Back

Jacob released his grip on Nolan's collar and took a few steps back. Avery's words before losing her consciousness reechoed in his ears.

"I made a mistake, Jacob."

"My biggest mistake was having encountered you in my life."

Jacob realized she hated him so much that she even gave up the hope of life.

For the first time, Nolan saw fear in Jacob's eyes. It took Jacob a while before he spoke again, "I've read through her blood test report. Why are the values lower than normal?"

"Usually, in such cases, it's highly likely..." Nolan suddenly shut his mouth and bit back the words on the tip of his tongue.

Chemotherapy for cancer could cause a rapid decline in various blood values. Although Jacob hadn't given Avery a checkup in the past two years, Nolan didn't think she could have cancer according to her physical condition.

Moreover, Avery was still so young. Cancer patients were usually middle-aged or elderly.

Besides, he could tell Jacob's situation was not good right now. Nolan couldn't make such statements without conducting tests and increase Jacob's mental burden.

"What could it be?" Jacob asked.

"Nothing. Has Madam Avery shown any abnormal symptoms recently?" Nolan questioned.

"She had a serious illness recently and an injury on her arm."

"That explains it. Infections from certain bacteria or viruses can also cause a decline in various body values. Madam Avery probably hasn't fully recovered, and the sudden exposure to cold water caused a relapse, hence the severity."

Each word was like a sharp dagger stabbing into Jacob's heart.

Sensing Jacob's strange expression, Nolan continued, "Madam Avery has a weakened immune system now. She must be well-protected. She can't catch a cold or get sick. I'll emphasize the medications to ensure her fever subsides."

Jacob slowly lowered his hands and whispered, "Okay."


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