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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 14

Tyler's POV

Letting out a shout of rage, I launched my phone at the wall where it shattered into pieces. I clenched and unclenched my fists at my sides repeatedly.

I really wanted to punch someone.

"I'll get started on replacing your phone. Let me guess! Rachel?"

"Adam? If you don't want me to beat you like I own you, you'll shut up."

Adam snickered, "Technically, you do own me. I swore complete allegiance to you at my Beta ceremony. Remember?"

Yes. I remembered.

I remembered everything all the time which was most of my problem.

I couldn't forgive Rachel for lying to me. Every time we were together all I could think about was how she'd lied to me for money.

Her father being a worthless gambling addict didn't help her cause either.

Every single time Patrick showed up? I had to write a check. I deliberately chose not to keep track of the debts I paid off for him so I wouldn't put a price on his head.

"Why is she so insistent about this rejection ceremony? What could she possibly get from me? Mate benefits only get paid out based on a death."

Adam stood from cleaning up the broken pieces of my phone. He looked as if he wanted to say something. I sighed before waving at him.

"Go ahead. Say whatever you have to say."

"At the risk of getting thrown against the wall, I don't think Rachel wants any benefits at all. She doesn't care about your money."

"Don't be ridiculous. Everyone cares about my money."

My entire world revolved around money and power.

House Wright had moved up in the world of both wolves and man by conquering the entertainment industry to the tune of over a billion dollars. Moonrise Entertainment held contracts over too many labels to count; everyone who was anyone in Hollywood wanted to be represented by one of our agents.

My earliest memories were of sitting at my father's side in his boardroom while he lorded over his subordinates.

I knew how to close a deal before I learned how to drive a car---I had more experience closing deals than driving, come to that.

"I don't think so, man. She told her dad off yesterday."

I had seen some of the footage from Patrick's temper tantrum in the lobby. I had stopped watching as soon as Rachel appeared on camera.

Seeing her upset my wolf too much to risk watching her.

Wynd only knew he wanted his mate, Rayne, back at his side. He didn't care if Rachel and I got along or not. Life was a lot simpler to my wolf. I wished I could see things the way he did.

"What? Explain."

Adam shrugged, "Not much to explain. Her old man was running his mouth about how he was owed by you and how you better pay up. She told him your money was yours and you didn't owe him shit."

"I somehow doubt Rachel told her father I 'don't owe him shit.' What did she actually say?"

"No, really, she said something like it was your money. It wasn't her money or his money. She was adamant about it."

Adam tended to be more colorful with his language than any of my other immediate staff. I liked him for his honesty. He looked troubled; I wanted to know what he was holding back more than I wanted my next breath.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"He, uh," Adam rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away from me to finish, "He slapped the Hell out of her. He hit her hard enough to leave bruises."

Wynd roared in my mind and my vision went dark for a terrifying moment before I regained control of my body. I brought myself back under control only to find I had flipped my desk and thrown everything close to me not nailed down.

Adam looked at me from where he was seeking cover behind the bar. I worked on controlling my breathing while I listened to my wolf tear me down inside.

'You couldn't even protect her! She is our mate! No wonder she wants to leave you! That omega scum should die for touching her!'

Rubbing my temples, I ground my teeth together, "I need to know what happened. Exactly."

"He wanted money. She said it was your money and he couldn't have it. He hit her. I caught her before she hit the floor. She told me to call the cops. I had him arrested since she said to treat him like he was anyone off the street. She left. That's it."

"That's it? He just beat my mate in front of my beta and you did nothing to stop him and that's it?"

#Chapter 14  I was a problem solver 1

#Chapter 14  I was a problem solver 2


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