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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 7

Tyler's POV

"What did she mean when she said 'you and your child'? Hhm? What was she talking about?"

I missed the beginning, but I had heard enough to know Rachel thought Jenny was pregnant.

Jenny blotted her face with a linen napkin the bartender offered her. She was looking everywhere but at me; I knew her well enough to know she was trying to find a way to get out of the situation sooner rather than later.

Unlike with Rachel, I didn't take Jenny's arm. I only held my hand up to stop her from skirting me to scuttle off into the crowd.

"Don't even try it, Jenny. What did you do?"

My wolf, Wynd, was unnaturally close to the front of my mind and I couldn't help the growl he pushed into my words.

If Wynd had his way, we would turn right in the middle of Blue Diamond and tear the answers out of Jenny with our teeth.

"What did you say to my mate?" Wynd asked, forcing the words out through my clenched teeth as I fought for control of my mind.

Werewolves were tolerated in human society because we controlled ourselves.

House Wright didn't need their heir to lose his humanity in the middle of a restaurant. It would be even worse after my mate assaulted a human model where paparazzi could get photos of her dripping martini from her face.

We were going to bring the kind of attention to Moonrise Pack my father didn't like.

"Tyler," Jenny whined, "You're scaring me!"

I snorted at the ridiculousness of her statement.

Jenny Wayland wasn't afraid of anything except wrinkles and cellulite. She got Botox injections for the first and starved herself to avoid the second. I could have shifted into my Lycan form -a form very few humans knew about- without making her blink.

"Talk, Jenny. Now!"

"I wanted her to go away! Okay? You hate her. Everyone knows you hate her. You wouldn't leave her though because of whatever stupid reason you have so I made her see what you were missing being stuck with her."

That sounded like Jenny: entitled and imperious.

"And what am I missing?"

"The chance to have a real life with me! The chance to have a family," Jenny coaxed, giving me a coquettish look as she tilted her face just so.

Jenny was exceptionally good at posing. She lived up to her status as a top model and the camera did love her even if I never could.

Damnable mate bond, I thought to myself before dropping my hand to my side.

"You're not interested in starting a family, Jenny. You told her you were pregnant?"

Jenny gave me a glare which would have scorched earth if she weren't human.

She answered cautiously, "Yes. Why?"

Wynd rumbled in my head, practically foaming at the mouth to tear her apart. He couldn't tolerate the idea of Rayne thinking he had betrayed her for even a second. His devotion to Rachel's wolf was so deep I couldn't even attempt to bed another female.

"So why would she believe you?"

Rachel had used a fake pregnancy to enter my life. I wondered if the irony had occurred to her.

"I showed her a positive pregnancy test," Jenny shrugged, looking away from me as she schooled her expression into one of indifference.

"Where did you get a positive pregnancy test?"

"They sell them on the internet. For jokes. It's not my fault she's stupid enough to believe it. She didn't even try to fight for you either! So it's good, right? We're good? I did the right thing for us to have a future together."

Humans faked pregnancy tests for the purpose of humor? Who knew? They really were ridiculous.

I pinched my nose and sighed from the headache I had been sporting since Rachel's rejection.

"No, Jenny."

Her face had paled as I stepped closer to her, close enough for her to see the glow in my eyes from how close to the surface Wynd was pushing.

"No female will ever share my bed except my mate. Do you understand?"

"I understand," she said, unspoken emotions coloring her words and her expression.

I used one finger under her chin to tilt her face back to mine as I whispered to her, "I would kill you, Jenny. I wouldn't be able to stop myself."


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