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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 23

Sophie knew it was all just a show for Bea's benefit.

James' parents had passed away when he was young, and Bea had raised him single-handedly. James held a deep respect and always looked after her.

Sophie didn't expose him. Instead, she played along with James at the right moments.

"What are you planning to do with that piece of land?" Bea suddenly asked.

Her question was directed not at Sophie but at James.

James, sitting in front, glanced at Sophie in the rearview mirror and said, "That's Sophie's purchase. She’ll handle it."

Bea looked toward Sophie and said, "Let James manage the land matter. The most important duty for a woman is to support her husband and nurture her children."

"Grandma, the affairs of the Burke family are indeed managed by James, but this land was bought on behalf of the Russell family. It's intended for my family's use, so it doesn’t require my mediation."

Hearing Sophie’s response, Bea changed her tone. "In the future, try to stay out of such matters. You’re married to James now, and everything you do represents the Burke family."

"I understand, Grandma."

Sophie acknowledged each point. She knew all too well what kind of person Bea was. If Bea learned that she was planning to start her own business, Sophie feared big trouble would ensue.

"James, I have a chess game tonight, so you'll drive Sophie home. Let work wait. Taking care of your wife is most important."

Bea's words carried an underlying message.

James frowned but didn't show much dissatisfaction. "Understood, Grandma."


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