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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 24

James looked visibly upset, his body stiffening as Sophie forced her way in.

The room was dimly lit, and at some point, a table had been set up with a candlelit dinner.

Seeing this, Sophie's expression also changed. It didn't take much guessing to realize this was Bea's doing. No wonder she insisted that James drive her home after they left the mall. This had been her plan all along.

"Sophie, you're really something."

"It wasn't me."

Sophie tried to explain, but James had already thrown the stuff in his hands to the floor and left without looking back, storming out of the Burke residence.

As soon as James stepped outside, he realized the chauffeur had driven the car away.

Sophie fully understood Bea's intentions. If she and James didn't stay together tonight, Bea would likely not let it go.

"Save your energy," Sophie said. "You sleep in the living room. I'll take the bedroom."

James gave Sophie a cold look. "I'm warning you, don't try any tricks." Then, he walked inside.

Facing the disdain in James' eyes, Sophie could only scoff at herself.

'Look at yourself, Sophie. This is what you get for liking James. No matter how much you liked him before, you're just someone who resorts to sleazy tactics.'

She was surprised to realize how poorly James thought of her.

Sophie walked over to the table and looked at the dinner spread. James wasn't hungry, but she had spent the whole day shopping with Bea and was exhausted.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Not hungry."


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