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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 32

Sophie deliberately answered the last question on the exam incorrectly.

Before making that error, she had double-checked her other answers to ensure her score would surpass the passing mark for graduate studies.

After all, in the eyes of others, she had never received any formal education in finance. If she suddenly produced exceptional results, it would certainly raise eyebrows, and James might become suspicious.

But how did Harold know?

"Did you peek at my exam paper?" Sophie asked sternly. "Looking around and spying on others' work is forbidden during exams. You cheated."

Harold couldn't help but laugh. He leaned in closer and whispered, "I turned in a blank sheet."

Unfazed, Sophie retorted, "A blank sheet? So you didn’t know how to do any of the questions?"

Harold frowned.

"How can you accuse me of deliberately answering the last question wrong if you didn’t attempt any yourself?" Sophie continued.

Before Harold could reply, Sophie cut him off, "Look, I appreciate your unique way of hitting on me, but I'm not interested in someone who performs poorly in academics. Maybe some other time."

Sophie slipped away from Harold's grasp.

This left Harold chuckling. He was trying to hit on her? He had bad grades?

Outside, Harold's bodyguard said, "Sir, your father has instructed that you return home immediately after the exam."

Harold whistled softly. He had been uninterested in attending Eastwood College initially. Now, it seemed somewhat appealing.


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