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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 737

Sophie was clearly a mystery to the onlooker, who was frozen in place as Wayne approached. With an apologetic smile, Wayne asked, "Ms. Sophie, what brings you here?"

"I should be asking you that! I simply went to the restroom and ended up being hustled here! And that person was all hands!"

Sophie's lies came effortlessly. Wayne, shocked, asked, "Who would dare? Ms. Sophie, are you hurt? This isn’t somewhere you should be. Let me escort you out."

"No need!" Sophie feigned petulance. "Where’s Odie? I demand an explanation from him!"

"This... Mr. Odie is indisposed."

"Indisposed? Is he also on this floor looking for a quick hookup?"

Wayne hastily waved his hands, saying, "Ms. Sophie, you're misjudging Mr. Odie. His heart belongs solely to you, so much so that he's had a falling out with Ms. Leticia over you. How could he possibly have eyes for another?"



"I don't believe it. I want to see for myself!"

Sophie caught Wayne off guard, dashing to the right corner of the hallway. She and Logan had just arrived on this floor and heard their conversation!

"Ms. Sophie! You shouldn't go there!"

Wayne hurried after her, trying to stop Sophie, but she quickly reached Odie's door and saw Jonah guarding it. Jonah frowned, "Ms. Sophie?"

There was no unusual sound from inside, but Sophie grew suspicious.

Jonah asked coldly, "How did you get to the third floor?"


Chapter 737 1


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