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Revenge is Best Served After Reborn (James) novel Chapter 738

"Mr. Odie, please, think about it. Why would I drug you? And where would I even get such drugs? I was barely out of bed this morning when you dragged me to shop for pianos and clothes, and then I got mysteriously knocked out and brought to the Minton Casino's lounge. Even so, you shouldn't be suspecting me!"

Sophie's response made Odie furrow his brows. In his anger, he hadn't considered that Sophie had neither the reason nor the means to drug him.

"Mr. Odie, I know you're upset, but I think you need to calm down and think carefully. Have you eaten or drunk anything unusual?"

Sophie intentionally shifted Odie's suspicion, and sure enough, Odie thought of the tea he had drunk in the lounge.

"Jonah!" Odie said coldly, "Beat that bitch to death!"

"Yes, Mr. Odie."

Jonah quickly left, leaving only Odie and Sophie in the room.

Sophie stood up and said, "If there's nothing else, Mr. Odie, I'll be going."

"Stop!" Odie's voice was laced with chill and danger. "Who allowed you to come up to the third floor?"

Sophie was nervous inside but remained calm on the surface. She had already prepared her response and wasn't afraid of Odie's questioning. "I was brought up here by someone. I was curious, so I half-willingly followed. Little did I know what the third floor was..."

Sophie pretended to be embarrassed, prompting Odie to tease her, "Didn't you say you wanted to stay here to m ake money? What, scared now?"

Chapter 738 1

Chapter 738 2


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