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Rush into Your Heart novel Chapter 4

Although Jean had a good family background, she said the day before yesterday that she broke up with her family and now lives outside by herself. All the cards were frozen, and she couldn't protect herself. How could she borrow money from Jean?

"So you don’t have money to pay the treatment, then how can you have the delusion to stay in VIP? I suggest you get the fees paid and take your dad away, we don’t have time for it.

"You..." Looking at the faces of these nurses one by one, Sofia could do nothing but endure everything furiously.

"Miss Pai, you should better know that if I ask the guard, it will be embarrassing." A nurse said, hurling his luggage from the ward on the corridor,. after which, she strutted away with her pals like a peacock.

Sofia squeezed the phone, and it was Leann called. She hesitated a while, but when she looked at her father who was lying motionless, she finally pressed it down.

The phone rang for a long time before being connected, and Leann sneered at her.

"You are still young and inexperienced in the game." Leann sneered, and slowly opened the answer button.

"What do you want on earth? What shall I do for you can leave my dad alone." Sofia took a deep breath and waited for Leann's answer.

"Why, figured it out? When you talked to me last night, wasn't it tough?"

"What do you want me to do?" Leann laughed arrogantly on the phone, listening to Sofia's helpless and unwilling tone, and felt happy.

"Aren't you very clear? At 8 o'clock this evening, at the MD Hotel, Mr. Liu doesn't like people being late."

"About my father, I want you to tell the hospital now."

"Yes, you don't dare to play any tricks for me." Leann agreed very simply. Less than a minute after the phone was hung up, the dean came personally and arranged Sofia's father, then apologized to Sofia.

Sofia listened coldly, everyone was so snobbish. She didn't want to waste her mind dealing with them. She just said a little casually, watching her father's body warm-up, and she felt relieved.

"You all go out! I want to stay alone with my dad for a while."

Sofia sat all afternoon, talking to her father about her childhood. As she spoke, tears appeared in her eyes.

"Dad, do you remember? I like your sweet and sour pork ribs the most, but mom can't eat too much. At that time, my mother robbed me and said, "You don't love her, you love me more." Wake up! When you wake up, I will make sweet and sour pork ribs for you. Now I am good at cooking!"

Sofia took a deep breath, put his father's hands under the quilt, and looked up at the ceiling, trying not to let the tears fall.

There is nothing to be afraid of, it will always get better, right?

"Dad, I must leave now, and I'll see you tomorrow." Sofia looked at the person on the bed and smiled. She picked up her bag and turned to leave the ward.

The moment the door closed, two lines of tears fell from the corner of her father's eyes, and there was no response.

Sofia was not used to carrying so much money with her, so she went to the bank first and deposited the money.

Sofia Pai calculated the time as she took the subway to MD Hotel. She gazed at the splendid hotel and thought that she wouldn’t be able to afford this place by herself. It seemed that Leann Qin had spent a large sum of money this time.

Sofia took a deep breath outside the room. She felt suppressed and couldn’t breathe.

She grabbed her bag and opened the door. In the room, Leann and her uncle Bai Songcheng were warmly chatting with a middle-aged fat man.

Sofia spotted his oily fat face and beer belly. What was even more disgusting was his yellow teeth would show every time he talked.

“There she is. Sofia, come. We’ve been waiting for you. Sit here.” Leann pulled Sofia to sit beside Mr. Liu.

Since Sofia came in, Mr. Liu’s eyes had been fixed on her body.

“Haha! Miss Bai is so beautiful. It’s good to be young. Miss Bai is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Haha!”

“What do you think about Sofia, Mr. Liu?” Leann noticed that Mr. Liu seemed interested and inquired purposefully.

“Well, Miss Bai is the so-called ideal partner for a gentleman. Haha! Miss Bai, please order whatever you like. Take it easy.”

Sofia sneered and glanced at the gold chain on his neck. She wondered if it was a dog chain.

“Oh? Mr. Liu. Is that so?”

“Of course. I have nothing but money. Miss Bai, make yourself at home.”

Chapter 4 Blind Date With An Old Pervert 1

Chapter 4 Blind Date With An Old Pervert 2

Chapter 4 Blind Date With An Old Pervert 3


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