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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 48

Final Decision


"Damn it, I hate this but I need to make a choice, while am I stuck in between this, I love both of them, why is love like a pain to me?", I questioned myself.

" I will leave you alone with your thoughts now but you just have to make your final decision about the whole thing," Santiago said to me.

"If you are in my shoes Santiago? What will you do? Will you still fight or back out from it?" I implored.

"That's a formidable question, dear friend, balancing the two together, they are dear to my heart, accepting one is the same as hurting the other one and I wouldn't want that. I feel is best you don't back out Lorenzo, you are the alpha remember, the beta who started this is supposed to back out with that he won't face shame for people will think he believes you are still strong" He retorted.

"Very well then, I would sleep over it one more time and make my decision tomorrow morning then and thanks for your point of view. I miss her you know? Am hoping she communicates with me soon with her usual delivery style of a letter or is she mad at me?"

"That I can't answer, need to go and meet the others, for now, we discuss later", he said before leaving.

I couldn't find sleep for I worried about Nora and my decision I will be taking the next morning, should I ask my mother for advice by visiting her or I shouldn't inform her about it and be an Alpha for once and make a decision that won't make the pack lose hope on me.

" Am sorry Nora, I don't think I will be able to back out for it will be a shame for me as the alpha of my pack. Wish we could talk tonight before making the final decision tomorrow". I said to myself before I finally slept off.

Writer POV

In the human world, the parents of the children stuck in the other world were so worried since the disappearance of their sons and daughters.

They are always seen going to the station every day hoping to get feedback soon from them.

"Officer it's been four months since Halloween was over and till now you haven't gotten a clue of my daughter and friends whereabouts, aren't you the best we got sir," Amelia mom said with a pale face for she hasn't been taking care of herself lately aince the day Amelia left.

The police discovered the castle Amelia mom talked about that her daughter always sneak to visit most time to be empty and filled with cobwebs, still no traces of them, this is because the mysterious door is no more, is a sign gradually they might be forgotten in the human world unless destiny is fulfilled and the mysterious door will be fixed back in place.

Days and weeks passed still not a word from them.

Amelia is seen feeling so sad at the supernatural world she thought never existed, she misses her world and her family too.

She knows her mother will be searching and worried about her missing, she wishes she can send a message to her mom telling her she was okay but just stuck.

She brought out her pendant looking at her family picture together as tears filled her eyes.

Chapter 48 -Final Decision 1

Chapter 48 -Final Decision 2


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