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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 51

Amelia Is Missing


I woke up from a terrible nightmare this time around I got scared because when I dreamt of been stuck in a scary place which I have no idea existed came to pass what if this comes to pass.

I hid the dream from my friends and just decided to tell Gael and Dimitro about it, maybe they can give me hope, telling the girls will make them more scared and I don't wish for that.

It's a beautiful morning knowing I still have my friends with me but I still miss my world all the time.

"Amelia, Dimitro is expecting you at the usual spot you always meet," Julieta said in a hurry to join the others to prepare food.

I am happy that the enemies I had in school are now my very close friends here, that's the one advantage of this scary world, looking at the mean girls and starlight playing together, who can ever imagine this will ever happen.

I asked about the whereabouts of Gael but I got told he went out to a place he didn't disclose to any of them.

I kind of wondered what's up with him this period, I barely see him around, maybe his search about the mysterious door, I just want him safe all the time.

I headed straight to meet up with Dimitro who was nowhere to be found. "I know you are playing hide and seek games, am going to find you," I said laughing

"Too bad I found you first," he said from behind hugging me.

"You always cheat" I gave a puppy face.

"I didn't, am used to your scent my love, you don't look bright today, my inner self tells me something is bothering you, let it out to be okay" he insists.

"I had a terrible nightmare dear, I got taken by a scary creature and everywhere got so dark, I got so scared because I was left alone to die"

He gave me comfort saying, "I promise you, no harm will come to you okay, I will always guide and protect you no matter what, can I kiss you now?"

"Not yet, I need to think about it very well before you kiss me" I teased.

"Why does my heart tells me to take it as a yes" he added.

"No way" he kissed me unexpectedly and I couldn't stop blushing.

"Let go or I will bite you with my new found teeth" I teased again.

"I love you so much Amelia" he expressed himself and I did the same to him.

We took a walk together, I felt relief.

"My love, I need to meet up with my father now, go back safe, will come to see you again once done okay?"

"Sure" I replied.

"Promise you going to be safe," he asked again, I nodded, he left with full speed.

"Wow his always super fast"

I didn't want to return and join the others so I just decided to explore a little, unlucky for me I couldn't find my way back.

"I think am lost, screaming won't help but will only endanger my life, what am I going to do at the moment?" I questioned myself.

"Amelia, why are you here all alone?" I turned around to see Catalina, I felt happy she might know the way.

"I got lost but am glad you are here, let's get going, am starving now" She smiled at me, while we walked together I noticed something off about her, she was acting strange and the route we took looks so strange to me.

"Catalina, are you sure this is the way to the beautiful lake?"

Chapter 51- Amelia Is Missing 1

Chapter 51- Amelia Is Missing 2


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