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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate novel Chapter 202

Grey jumped down and brought out his phone. There were several calls from Beatrice, Don, and Jimmy. And, Grey sensed that Don must have seen Jimmy.

He ignored it, placing the phone in the safety of his pocket before moving towards the car.

“I’m going to mobilize the men eventually. We will have to penetrate the building,” Don expressed.

“What for?” Grey asked suddenly, startling them for a moment.

They all turned to look at him and relief washed them.

“I'm so glad you are safe,” Beatrice cried softly.

Grey sighed and pulled the mask off. “Let's leave. We can discuss this in a safe place,” he started and moved towards the car.

Beatrice entered the back seat, beside Grey while Don and Richard went back to their cars.

They all drove out of Hattie’s street. The other cars followed Grey to his house since Grey didn't let Jimmy stop until they got back home.

“Boss, we were so scared. You shouldn't have entered the building alone. You could have informed me,” Don said quickly the moment he entered the living room.

Grey looked at Don. “I had to see it firsthand. Did you get anything about Caramel's whereabouts?”

Don shook his head briefly and moved to sit, meanwhile, Beatrice was by the door, lost in thoughts.

“Hattie caught US immediately. I and the others had to stay in the car,” Richard explained.

Grey nodded briefly, “Caramel isn't there anyways. What did you guys talk about by the way? Does Hattie still want the recipe?”

“Yes, you guess right,” Beatrice walked to Grey slowly. “Caramel is really my daughter.”

Grey looked up at her, shocked for a moment, “she is?”

Beatrice nodded briefly, she felt so exhausted and fed up. “Here's the DNA result,” she stretched out the file to him.

Grey took it and looked through it. He still couldn't believe it. How could Caramel be the daughter of Beatrice?

“Hattie wants the recipe before tomorrow night or we will lose Caramel,” Don explained.

Grey’s hand tightened around the paper, as different thoughts went through his mind in a sort of fuzzy confusion. “We are giving her the recipe then.”

“What! ” Don was shocked. “You will?”

Grey nodded briefly, “I'm not going to lose Caramel.”

“But,” Don started. “This cream recipe belongs to your mother, Boss. It would be very bad if you lose it to the person that killed your mother,” he explained.

Grey stared down at the tiles for a moment, his teeth clenched in anger. Don was saying the truth but he couldn't help it. He couldn't even help the fact that his body boiled with rage at the fact that Caramel wasn't in the safety of her house. She has been kidnapped! He couldn't sit still.

“But Boss, this isn't right,” Richard added quickly.

Grey looked up, with a glare. “I will not let anything happen to Caramel,” he repeated in a thick voice that kept everyone shut.

Grey stared at them for a while before he got up slowly. “I'm not going to wait for Hattie to kill Caramel like she killed my mom,” he moved away from them and moved toward the wall. “And I'm going to do everything to get her out. No one can change my mind. So, don't even try to.”

Don let out a sigh, slowly. He understood anyways who Caramel was to him. In fact, he used to think Caramel was his girlfriend. “ So, what's your plan?”

“I'm meeting Gregory tomorrow at 5star. You should come along. I will let you know of my plans,” he revealed.

Smith stared at the screen of the laptop for some minutes which felt like an eternity. His head was calculated at the same time.

The door opened suddenly and Mia walked in. “Boss!” she called urgently.

Smith looked up, a bit angry. “What happened to your manner, Mia?” he asked, half yelling.

Mia pulled to a stop as confusion clouded her face. “ I'm sorry, Boss. I didn't mean to barge in like that,” she apologized.

Smith sent her a chilly look before he focused his attention right back on the laptop. “What is this all about?”

“We have failed sales,” she revealed.

Smith didn't reply, his gaze still focusing on whatever was on the screen.

“I mean sales are declining, boss. We only had a little rise on some days but they are not enough to cater for all we have lost,” she explained further.

Smith sighed but didn't look at her. “So?”

“I-i.” she stammered as she unlocked her iPad. “I will advise that we stop this currently. We need to sit and think about this before embarking on this journey.”

“It's too late to go back,” Smith whispered.

“No,” Mia said quickly. “The advertising company is here. We can still stop this. We wouldn't have to lose more than we have already lost. If we keep doing this and it doesn't yield results, we might go bankrupt,” she announced.

Smith looked up at her, with eyes emanating rage. “Are you saying we will fail eventually? Do you mean the advertisement won't work as well?”

Mia shook her head quickly, a bit scared of his hard stare. “I didn't mean that. I was just-,” her voice faded off. “I just want us to look at the possibility,” she whispered.

Smith regarded her for another moment. “What if it becomes a success?”

Mia sighed, reasoning it as well. Smith was right. The product might actually do well after the advertisement. What if it skyrocketed? But there was also the possibility that it might not

and Mia was scared of bankruptcy.

“But-,” Mia started but Smith cut her off.

“No, but, Mia. Let them in. I'm going to proceed no matter what. Don't worry, success is guaranteed this time,” he assured.


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