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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 259

In the end, without even carefully reading the contents of what Emelia had written, Julian immediately replied, "Except for the first rule I won't accept anything else."

After sending the message, he added, "Even if it is the first one, I can only promise to do my best, but this kind of thing is not 100%. In case of an accident, I will be responsible for you and the child."

Emelia was about to die of anger after reading his reply.

She had listed so many of them, but he only said that he would try his best to make the first one? "He also said that he would not accept other terms?"

What was his attitude?

Did he not understand what kind of situation he was in now? He was still being arrogant.

She replied without thinking, "Then let's end the relationship."

Everything would have a beginning and ending, but their relationship ended quickly. It was only one night.

Julian was absolutely furious. "Emelia, aren't you supposed to admit everything that had happened to us?"

Emelia was speechless.

Why he asked her in such a rude manner? What did he mean that she was not responsible for her behavior? Wasn't it because he was too stubborn?

Immediately after, Julian called her. Emelia thought that he would scold her again after he picked up the phone, but his tone was very helpless, "About the first rule, what else can I do? I can't get fixed before we have children. I can guarantee that you won't be pregnant, is that okay?"

Emelia calmly said, "There is a good way to ensure that I won't be pregnant at all."

Julian asked, "What is that?"

Emelia threw him a few words, "We don't have sex."

Julian snorted, "You proposed to only be each other's sex partner, but now you tell me that we shall do nothing?"

For a moment, Emelia was rendered speechless.

After thinking for a while, she said, "In case I have a child, you are not allowed to force me to marry you with a child. I will make my own decision whether I leave the child or not."

Julian suddenly felt a heavy pain in his chest. After holding his phone for a long time, he didn't have the strength to speak.

She was so cold and merciless that she did not want to keep his child at all, nor did she want to develop a closer relationship with him.

This time, she had closed the door of her heart completely.

Suddenly, he didn't want to argue with her anymore. He was very tired.

All of a sudden, he understood a lesson. "Don't try to reason with a woman. Just follow her."

So he compromised without any temper, "Okay, I promise that."

Emelia added, "I hope you can consider the other terms."

Julian simply replied, "I'll agree all of them."

His attitude had changed from a tough one finally to a unconditionally compromise. Emelia was very surprised, but since he had readily agreed, she naturally would not ask anything more.

So she said, "Okay, then I'll modify the first rule and print it later."

What else could Julian say? He could only agree once again.

After they finished talking about this, Julian said in a pleading tone, "Is that possible that you will not go to dinner with them tonight?"


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