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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 260

Nina turned around and gave Emelia a look, indicating that she could rest assured. Then, she turned around and continued chatting with the two of them.

Emelia wasn't worried that Nina would say too much, because she knew that Nina definitely wouldn't harm her. She just didn't understand why Nina would suddenly tell them that Julian was chasing after his ex-wife.

"Ex-wife?" One actress was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth.

The other said, "Chase his ex-wife? That's interesting!"

Nina said slowly, "I heard that he didn't cherish his ex-wife at that time, but now he found out that she was so good. He insisted on following her and pestered her, taking actions to win her heart back.

One of the actresses said, "I seem to remember what you said. I also participated in the Hughes Group's anniversary celebration. That Mrs. Hughes, wearing a red dress, throwing the divorce agreement on Mr. Hughes' face."

After the actress finished speaking, she couldn't help but sigh. "It's a pity that my position was not high enough at that time. I didn't see Mrs. Hughes' real face clearly in the last row, but her features and temperament were still amazing from afar."

Nina nodded her head forcefully. "I was right in front of them then. I could see clearly that Mrs. Hughes was truly stunning."

In the face of Nina's exaggerated praise, Emelia was so embarrassed that she almost bit her tongue while eating.

She should award Nina "The BFF Award" later on, since she was so capable to describe her as the most charming beauty.

Without a doubt, both of the actresses believed Nina's words. They couldn't help clicking their tongues as they said, "If what you said was true, then I would like to ask Mr. Hughes what he felt when he shamelessly chases after his ex-wife."

After saying that, Nina and the two actresses couldn't help laughing out loud.

To the side, Emelia couldn't stand it any longer. She raised her hand and tugged at Nina's clothes. Nina turned around and whispered in her ear in a low voice. "You and Julian are so close now. Perhaps you might be photographed and exposed one day. I'm trying to spread the news through their mouths first so that we can fight against the public in advance."

"Thank you..." Emelia didn't expect Nina to be so prepared for this. For a moment, her eyes turned slightly red.

Nina said straightforwardly, "If you were happy, then I would be happy."

As soon as Nina's voice fell, Emelia saw that one of the two actresses was staring at her. She was starting to panic. Could it be that she saw that she looked like Julian's ex-wife?

Sure enough, the man said to her, "Miss Wintry Frost, why do I feel that you look a bit like Mr. Hughes' ex-wife?"

Emelia smiled. "You thought too much. I'm just a nameless screenwriter. How can I be associated with a high-ranking man like Mr. Hughes?"

Nina tried to smooth things over for her. "That's right. That night, Mrs. Hughes was filled with makeup. After removing her makeup, who knows what she looks like?"

Emelia was speechless.

Nina was really the BFF of hers. When she praised Emelia, she was not stingy of good words; also, she wouldn't show any mercy at all when she roasted Emelia.

"You are right." Both of them were actresses, and they knew very well how great the difference among women with or without makeup. Thus, they didn't associate Emelia and Julian with each other again.

It was at this time that Emelia received a message from Viggo. He asked her, "Do you want to invite Mr. Hughes over?"

The group of people sat at a long table. In order to avoid suspicion, Emelia and Nina sat far away from Viggo, so Viggo tried to communicate with her through texting.

Emelia looked up at Viggo, thought for a moment, and replied, "You are the host of the dinner tonight, and you have the final say."

Viggo replied, "I knew I was the host, but I cared about your feelings. If Mr. Hughes' coming made you feel uncomfortable, then I wouldn't invite him."


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