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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 276

The criticism about Emelia on the Internet were very mean. Some of them even involved the Longerich family.

Vincent woke up early and saw these rumors when he was in bed. He couldn't help but curse, "A bunch of clowns."

Only Randolph and his daughter could come up with such despicable ideas. Vincent felt that it was necessary for him to talk to his big brother, who was in politics.

Although the supporter of Randolph did not usually provoke the Longerich family, he was not a decent person after all. In fact, the higher-ups had wanted to bring him down for a long time.

It was better to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of him and see if Randolph could still be arrogant without the backer.

After thinking for a long time, Vincent called Julian first. Because it was still early, Julian seemed to have just woken up, and he answered the phone in a very low voice.

Vincent scolded him unhappily, "Speak up if you're a man."

Julian, who had been scolded, was speechless.

He was afraid of waking up Emelia, which would expose their relationship to Vincent.

With his phone in hand, he walked out of the bedroom. Only then did his voice return to normal. "Mr. Longerich, what can I do for you?"

Vincent deliberately probed him. "What? Why didn't you dare to speak loudly just now? Was there a girl beside you?"

Julian pursed his lips and denied, "How is that possible?"

Vincent said coldly, "Some men always say how loyal they are. In fact, they have a bunch of girls as his secret mistresses."

Julian felt he had been wronged. What little girls? Just a little girl, Emelia, was already enough for him to deal with.

However, he was not easy to deal with. He replied to Vincent as if nothing had happened, "I did have a girl, and she is your daughter."

Vincent sneered. "Uh-huh, does she know about this?"

Not to mention that Emelia now had the ability to work independently, even if she didn't, Vincent could support her.

However, Vincent did not continue to talk about these nonsense things with Julian. He changed the topic and said, "Randolph and his daughter made some small tricks again. They slandered that Emelia married you by any means."

"They're asking for death." Julian growled.

Vincent said, "I plan to find Oliver and his son and make them admit that Emelia was framed."

"That's right." "Since things has happened, then there's no way I can hide my past relationship with Emelia. I have to stand out and say something."

Vincent asked him, "What are you going to say?"

Julian replied, "No matter how we get started, I just want her to be with me for the rest of my life."

Vincent snorted coldly. "That's more like it!"

Julian's words were tantamount to indirectly expressing his love for Emelia. Although Vincent had always disliked him, in such a situation, what he said would greatly encourage Emelia.

After they finished talking about this matter, Julian said to Vincent in a serious tone, "I intend to deal with Randolph."

"Sure?" Vincent raised his eyebrows. Did he and Julian think about this at the same time?

Julian added, "Randolph can't stay here, or he will find trouble all day long."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking." Although Vincent said indifferently, he made up his mind. "Get rid of the force behind him together!"

"Yeah." Julian agreed readily.

Since Vincent also had such an idea, he did not need to say it clearly. He reached an invisible tacit understanding with Vincent.


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