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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 277

The comments gradually deviated from the topic. In the end, virtually no one paid any attention to how the relationship between Emelia and Julian began. Everyone was only curious as to what sort of relationship they now had.

Emelia was annoyed by Julian's behaviors. She had always wanted to hide the history between her and him because she knew that once she made it public, there would be endless gossip.

Right now, her initial worry had become true. She felt that from now on, she couldn't go to any public occasion. She was afraid that those women who adored Julian would attack her.

It was no wonder that just now, Julian kept preventing her from checking her phone. It turned out that he was afraid that Emelia would immediately notice what happened and ask him hurriedly to withdraw the statement.

It was no wonder that just as Emelia turned on the phone, he left immediately with his coffee. He was afraid that Emelia would come after him.

Emelia put the phone aside and took a few deep breaths to calm down her anger.

Julian used this trick very well.

But she didn't want to see him again, at least for the next half a month.

Yvonne didn't expect Julian would stand up and admit his history with Emelia. From Yvonne's point of view, Julian should be very disgusted to mention that he was forced to marry Emelia by Oliver Jones and his son.

But surprisingly, Julian not only stood out and admitted it openly, but also said that he only hoped that Emelia would change her mind, successfully changing the situation where Emelia was scolded on the Internet.

Moreover, she also didn't know who was manipulating the situation behind and successfully dragged her into this mess. The target of ridicule on the Internet was now on her.

The post that produced manipulation said, "It turned out that it was the big star Yvonne who stole the screenwriter's husband."

Someone commented below, "Remember those rumors about the big star Yvonne Sullivan and Julian Hughes previously? It's so disgusting to even think about them now."

"I heard that the Sullivan family and Hughes family have been friends for many years. It's impossible that Yvonne doesn't know that Julian has been married. But she still deliberately spread rumors of being with him. Obviously, she is pretending to be an innocent Snow White."

"She's no Snow White. She's the ugly witch!"


Yvonne was so angry that her lungs were about to explode.

However, at this time, Polaris called her again. Polaris's tone was shocked and angry. "Miss Sullivan, is Emelia's ex-husband Julian?"

Yvonne pretended not to care and asked, "What's wrong with that?"

Polaris gritted her teeth and said, "Miss Sullivan, you're deliberately tricking me, aren't you? Why didn't you tell me earlier about the history of them? I've messed with Emelia several times. If I offend Julian, how can I develop my career in this industry?"

Polaris almost went crazy when she knew that Julian was Emelia's ex-husband.

She had always thought that Emelia's ex-husband was just some rich coxcomb, and thus she dared to abuse Emelia on the Internet all the time. She had never thought that Emelia's ex-husband would actually be Julian, who was the capital tycoon in the entertainment industry. How could she develop in this industry if she offended him?

Remember the ending of Harvey Norman and the others? No wonder Harvey Norman and his team were destroyed. Because they had humiliated Emelia and angered Julian.

Polaris was very annoyed. If she had known this a few days earlier, she would not have come up with this idea for Yvonne and abused Yvonne online.


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