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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 292

If it weren't for revenge, why would he take away the task that he valued most when he was dealing with Yvonne and Randolph?

Julian didn't expect that a woman like Yvonne would have someone stand up for her and go against him.

David continued, "I checked Eric Yeung's personal information. He was born in Asia and grew up abroad. His family is very well-off and he himself is an accomplished man. He started his own company from scratch and it's now worth a lot."

"Okay." Julian responded and did not say anything else.

David thought that Julian would be angry or think of a way to deal with Eric after the chip project was robbed. However, Julian's expression was extremely calm, which made David unable to figure out what he was thinking.

Therefore, he asked Julian tentatively, "About the chip project..."

Julian said calmly, "If he's willing, then just do it. I plan to invest in my own factory."

The new factory in New Zealand had mature technology and equipment. Julian wanted to buy it and put it directly into production, but he didn't expect to be intercepted by Eric halfway.

David was a little surprised. "We invest ourselves? It will take a lot of time."

In addition to choosing the site of the factory in the early stage, it would take them a lot of time, let alone building a factory to form a production team.

"Take it easy." Julian said solemnly, "I've been thinking about it since I came back from New Zealand last time. It's better to rely on our own efforts to ask someone else for help. Instead of placing our hopes on someone else, it's better to firmly hold the initiative in our own hands."

"We build our own factory and become self-sufficient. In the future, we don't have to count on others anymore."

David nodded to show his understanding. "Then I'll start choosing tomorrow."

"Sure." Julian was very confident in David's work ability. There were many things that he didn't need to say so much. David was indeed his right-hand man.

David drove Julian home and left. As expected, he was rejected by Emelia.

Julian said helplessly outside the door, "I was wrong. If I don't get your permission in the future, I promise that I won't talk about our relationship outside."

Emelia didn't want to pay any attention to him at all. Now that the news had spread out, even if he didn't say anything in the future, what was the point?

Julian had no choice but to play weak. He said to Emelia, "I've been in the meeting the whole morning. I'm really hungry. Only when you open the door can I go in and cook."

Julian never dreamed that one day he would plead to a woman, and he didn't dare to raise his voice.

In the room, Emelia mocked, "Don't you have a kitchen in your own home? If you're hungry, just go back to your own home and cook. Otherwise, order takeout."

Julian took a deep breath and replied, "Aren't you hungry? I want to cook for you, can't I?"

Emelia felt that Julian's words were simply laughable. "You're just a novice cook. Are you serious?"

Emelia had once been a housewife for three years. She was good at cooking. But Julian sounded like she would starve to death without him. How funny!

In order to attack Julian, Emelia deliberately said, "Sorry, I've finished eating. The butternut squash soup is delicious."

Julian sighed.

He loved butternut squash soup very much. A bowl of hot soup in the cold winter was simply heaven.

Julian made a huge mistake of assuming that Emelia must have specially made it for him, because she knew very well how much he liked it.

Thinking of this, even if he was rejected, Julian didn't feel sad.

In an instant, another idea came to Julian's mind, so he pretended to be disappointed and said, "Well, since you are so heartless, I can only go back."


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