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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 293

After cleaning up the kitchen, Julian left the study. He saw that Emelia was turning on the computer.

Julian walked over from behind the chair and hugged Emelia. He rubbed her cheek and asked, "What did you do in the afternoon?"

Emelia didn't want to talk to him at first, but then she remembered what she was going to do, so she had to say, "My dad said that I can take advantage of this period of time to rest, so I can consider the casting of his show."

Emelia had finished the screenwriter work of "Princess Leilania". Next, it was time for her to prepare Vincent's "I Gotta Find You". Vincent trusted her very much, indicating that she could recommend actors.

Of course, they also had Julian, the capital giant, and the final actor selection would be decided by the director and Julian.

As soon as Emelia started to talk about casting, Julian immediately thought of the has-been actor Thomas Washburn who tried to get close to Emelia at the dinner last time. Obviously, Thomas Washburn wanted to play the protagonist of "I Gotta Find you".

Therefore, Julian reminded Emelia, "Since you've followed Miss Salkowski in this circle for so many years, you must know the rules in this circle."

Emelia didn't understand why he suddenly changed the topic. She asked, "What do you mean?"

Julian said with some resentment, "What I mean is that there are some actresses in this circle who will fawn on the directors, screenwriters, and investors who have the say about casting, and so will some of the actors!"

Emelia finally understood what he meant. She glared at him angrily and complained, "In your eyes, I'm such a woman without principles?"

Julian was saying that she couldn't resist the temptation of a handsome man.

Julian said coldly, "Wasn't Marvin Reynolds recommended by you?"

When Emelia was in the meeting, she had recommended Marvin Reynolds to act as the male lead of "Princess Leilania", and had used several words to praise him. He was so handsome and gentle that Julian was furious.

Before Emelia could answer, Julian complained, "And that Harry Zink, I heard that he was also chosen by you for Nina."

Emelia tried her best to explain, "I chose them, but that's because I think they're the most suitable, not because they're handsome."

Julian had already had his own idea. "You can only recommend the actresses in this project."

Even if Emelia wouldn't be mesmerized by a handsome man, Julian didn't want to hear her praise a certain actor anymore.

Emelia was angry. "Julian, how am I supposed to work like this?"

Emelia regarded scriptwriting a career for her life. This was only her second big project, but Julian was so jealous of her about picking actors. What should she do in the future? Would she still dare to consider remarry him?

This was not a legitimate relationship between them. Even Julian had made such a fuss. If they really got married again, would he interfere with her in the name of her husband?

Originally, Emelia had a similar candidate in his heart, and she had wanted to chat with him. But now that Julian was jealous, how could she possibly talk to him?

Julian just couldn't bear to see Emelia admire other men, so he didn't want to compromise at all.

Julian was not the kind of person who insisted on making a scene with him. She immediately turned her face away and whispered, "Who dares to reunite with you like this?"

Julian was rendered speechless in an instant and did not dare to refute.

Julian was neither jealous nor angry. He immediately replied, "It's not that you can't choose a male actor, but you can't contact them in private. It's not good to be photographed by reporters."

Julian's words made sense. Whether it was male or female artists in the entertainment industry, they were all the targets of the reporters. If she contacted any male artist in private, there would definitely be some ambiguous rumors, which would have a very bad impact on the drama "I Gotta Find You".

This was also why Emelia didn't dare to be photographed by the reporters when she was in contact with Harry Zink and Viggo Johansen.

Therefore, Emelia agreed readily. "Okay, I'll only provide the right person in my mind."


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