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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 346

"We are coming for the hot spring." Ezra answered this question with a smile, and then greeted them again, "What a coincidence! How could you two also be here too?"

Although Ezra strongly disagreed with Julian's continuing pursuit of Emelia, he still respected Julian's choice. Julian asked him to help him with the coincident meet up, so he could only do it.

Phil Henderson had to accompany his wife; and Dr. Arthur Hudgens was busy working. So, he was the only one left to help Julian.

Emelia came back to her senses, turned around asked Nina, "Didn't you say that you've booked the whole place?"

"Yeah." Nina was also confused, but the expression was her acting.

"Even so, VIPs still have the rights to enter." Ezra gave this answer.

Emelia pursed her lips. Yes, VIPs like Julian and Ezra were indeed distinguished guests. They must had contacted the owner of this place. Even if the whole place was booked by someone else, they could still come in.

After some analysis, Emelia believed Ezra's excuses. She couldn't suspect that her best friend Nina was colluding with Julian, right?

Thinking of Julian, Emelia's glance fell on Julian who had not spoken.

However, her glance happened to meet up with Julian's eyes. The man's gaze at her was intense.

Emelia's heart raced faster, and she quickly looked away.

There was even a slight blush on her face. It seemed that there's a very real chemistry between her and Julian that it even made her blush and her heart flutter.

She was the first to fell in love with him, but he didn't respond to her. Later, they went divorced. Although he wanted to get her back later, she ran away from him determinedly. In both cases, there's no chemistry.

Now they were in love with each other, but they couldn't be together. However, their eyes were filled with affection. This was why they got that unspoken thing between them.

Emelia looked away, while Julian said calmly, "Since we were all here, let's sit together and chat for a while." It's an invitation for Emelia and Nina

Emelia didn't want to sit over there. She didn't think they relationship between her and Julian was suitable for them to stay together.

Nina didn't want to force Emelia to go there. In that way, she would expose the secret that she was deliberately matching Emelia and Julian?

In the end, it was Ezra who came forward to mediate the situation. He came over and invited them like a gentleman, "Isn't it just a breakup? No one stipulates that you can't have a cup of tea together after you breakup, right?"

Before Emelia could say anything, Ezra pulled her to sat at their table.

She could only sit down beside Julian.

When she was taking her seat, her arm accidentally touched Julian's arm. The moment their skin touched, Emelia felt like she was electrified, the tingling feeling.

Of course, it's quite embarrassing.

After quickly retracting her arms, she asked Ezra, "Aren't you guys in Riverside City? Why did you come here for hot spring?"

Emelia has been wondering about this question since just now. Julian and Ezra were both working in Riverside City. Why did they come here for the hot springs?

Ezra explained with a smile, "Isn't now the end of the year? All kinds of awards ceremonies and banquets will be held in the Capital, and we will be staying in Capital recently."

"Oh." Emelia answered and said nothing.

Why didn't Julian stay in Capital all day long at the end of the year a few years ago?

"Sorry, I need to get this call." Nina chatted for a while but then use this excuse to slip away.

When Ezra saw it, he got up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."


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