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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 347

Ezra looked at his helpless and aggrieved look at the moment, and suddenly laughed, "What is the old saying? Everything comes with a price."

"You used to neglect her for three years in every possible way, and now you have to spend much more effort to pursue her again."

"When she just returned to the country not long ago, you found out how you feel about her and pursuit her with all your strength. And now you have to start all over again. Karma is a bitch."

Ezra gloated as he spoke.

Julian didn't bother to pay attention to him. He asked instead, "Have you prepared everything?"

The reason why he asked Emelia out was not only to meet her, but also to celebrate her birthday.

Yesterday, the Longerich family held a birthday party for her. He saw it from the photos posted by Nina's Twitter. He also felt the deep love of the Longerich family for her. He felt relieved for her.

But he also wanted to celebrate her birthday for her again in his own way. He also knew that she would not accept any material gift he gave her at the moment, so he prepared something else for her.

"Don't worry, everything is ready." Ezra's answer was affirmative.

Julian believed in Ezra's ability and didn't say anything. They went to the hot spring after the tea.

Emelia found Nina in their hotel room. Emelia thought over along her way to hotel room. Julian and Ezra could never have met them here by chance.

So she stared at Nina angrily, "You told Julian that we are in this hot spring resort, right?"

Seeing that she had guessed it, Nina didn't lie to her. She handed Emelia a bottle of water and said, "He called me for help, and I can't reject it."

Emelia sighed, "With you helping him this way, when will he be able to forget me?"

Nina immediately admitted her mistake, "It's my fault, and I dare not do it again next time."

Nina didn't persuade Emelia to reconsider her relationship with Julian. She knew that this romantic kind of thing was not something they can figure in a few words, so she simply hugged Emelia and kept apologizing to her.

Of course, Emelia wasn't really mad at Nina. She asked Nina again, "When are you going back to Riverside City? I'll go back with you."

"Aren't we still skiing here tomorrow?" Nina said, "I have booked a flight back tomorrow night. What happened?"

"Julian said that the grandpa is ill. I want to go back to visit his grandpa." Emelia's tone was a little sad.

Nina whispered, "Is he really sick? Could it be the false information that Julian deliberately tricked you to go back?"

Emelia shook her head, "It should be real. He won't lie to me with his grandpa's body."

Nina then said, "Then you can go back with me tomorrow night. The grandpa used to be very good to you. You should indeed visit him."

"Yeah." Emelia nodded, took out her phone and booked the same flight as Nina.

During dinner, Ezra knocked on their door and kindly invited them, "Ladies, do you want to have dinner together?"

"No need." Nina declined. "Although the whole venue is booked, there are still strangers here. If the four of us were photographed partying together, it is estimated that there will be another wave of rumors."

Nina's words did make sense. The identities of them were indeed very sensitive.

First of all, she was a popular actress, and Ezra was a playboy. If they were photographed in the same scene, those paparazzi would let their imagination run wild.

Then as for Julian and Emelia. After HGH announced the termination of the contract between Julian and Vincent, the public was wondering about what caused this to happen.

Most people guessed that it was because Julian and Emelia's relationship went wrong. Julian had confessed his love and claimed to remarry Emelia publicly. Some people thought that Julian had failed to do so, so Vincent terminated the contract with HGH.


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