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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 351

Emelia was angered by Julian's overbearing attitude. Gritting her teeth, she glared at him but couldn't utter any word.

Arthur mediated in, "Julian does it for your own good, Emelia. Please don't mind his tone."

"Sit down, Julian. Let's have a good talk," said Arthur while glaring at Julian, hinting at him to calm down or leave his office.

Julian wouldn't leave his office. Hence, he pulled over a chair and sat next to Emelia.

He didn't want to be so fierce recklessly. He felt aggrieved.

For Emelia's health, Julian had been looking for a good doctor. However, she didn't care about her own sickness at all. Whenever they met, Emelia was calm and careless. When hearing Arthur wanted to introduce a doctor to her, she even frowned.

Julian didn't know Emelia had been scared by the bitterness of the herb soup.

After Julian sat down, Arthur spoke to Emelia patiently, "First of all, I need to ask you if you're willing to let that doctor I mentioned help you."

Arthur saw her frown just now, so he wanted to clarify it first.

If Emelia was reluctant, he couldn't force her.

Emelia dared not say no.

If she did, she was afraid that Julian would really abduct her to see the doctor.

Hence, she could only nod in agreement and say, "I am willing, but I've seen many doctors recently. It seems they can't help me at all..."

Although those doctors didn't clarify it, Emelia could tell the result from their expressions and obscure words.

Hence, she didn't have much hope for the doctor that Arthur wanted to introduce.

Arthur smiled. "It's alright. One more doctor means more hope, right?"

He added, "My mother's alumni isn't living in Riverside City. She is in a remote town in Anstonburg. You can only see her when my mother takes you there."

Arthur explained, "My parents have been traveling recently. They'll come back to town tomorrow. I'm afraid you need to stay for another day in Riverside City."

"Thank you, Arthur. Please send my thanks to Mrs. Hudgens." Emelia didn't mind staying another day in Riverside City. She had accommodation in town, anyway.

She stayed in the villa next to Julian's. It was a tiny house like her home. She had stayed there the previous night.

A few weeks ago, she left here in a hurry and only brought with her a few clothes and Fluffball, leaving the rest in the villa. When she arrived in the Capital, Vincent and Naomi also bought her many necessities and clothes.

Vincent also bought her a house in the Capital. Emelia suggested selling the villa in Riverside City, but Vincent disagreed.

He said he didn't lack money, and Emelia can keep it as a vacation house in Riverside City. Probably, the price of the house would grow in the future. Hence, Emelia had to respect his decision.

Arthur said gently, "You are welcome, Emelia. As long as you can recover, Julian will be happy. If you guys reconcile, we are your friends, and we'll be happy as well."

Arthur directly connected Emelia with Julian, sounding giving them his blessings. Emelia felt too awkward to speak.

Julian stood up, walked to her, and said to Arthur, "We'll leave you in peace then. Bye."

Then he threw his arm around Emelia and was about to take her away. Emelia was irritated as he didn't keep his distance from her at all. Did he tell her to break up in vain?

Emelia moved aside and dodged Julian's arm. Then she left the office quickly.

Under Arthur's teasing gaze, Julian walked out calmly.


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