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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 352

When Julian and Emelia arrived downstairs at Maisie's apartment, Ezra also reached the place.

Seeing him, Julian was angry. He got down from his car, strode over, and threw a punch on Ezra's charming face.

His punch was fierce and heavy. Julian had been practicing boxing. Hence, Ezra couldn't dodge it at all, falling to the ground.

Ezra was infuriated. Wiping off the blood on his mouth corner, he roared, "Are you nuts?"

"Nuts?" Julian grabbed his collar and growled, "I've warned you, haven't I? You can't hurt Maisie. Look what you've done! You made her pregnant and let her abort it. If you can't take responsibility, you shouldn't have toyed with her!"

With his scold, Julian wanted to hit Ezra again. Emelia rushed over to stop him.

Ezra stood up and scowled at him. "I happened to know she had an abortion just now."

Julian sneered, "You should have known she's pregnant, right?"

"Yes, I know." Ezra dragged his own necktie. When he returned to town with Julian from the Capital, Maisie told him about it.

"Ha!" Julian sneered. "That's it!

"You knew she was pregnant. Did you fall out with her? Even if you didn't, did you say anything?"

Ezra looked away, saying nothing.

He didn't fall out with Maisie, nor did he say anything. He just keep silent. After he heard the news, he sat in her apartment for a short while before leaving.

Earlier, David called him over. Only then did he know Maisie went to the hospital for an abortion...

"If you wanted this baby, you would have to make a promise right away," said Julian, straight to the point, "You kept silent, so it meant you didn't want it. You didn't ask her to abort it in person, but you were the indirect executioner."

Ezra couldn't tolerate his words. He strode into the apartment building with a stern look.

"Calm down, Julian," Emelia said to him gently. Julian's chest heaved up and down fiercely in anger.

She had known him for many years but rarely seen him so furious.

She knew Julian considered Maisie and David as his siblings. Ezra had gone too far indeed.

In the past, they all stopped Ezra and tried to convince him not to provoke Maisie. However...

Emelia wondered if that was men's inherent weakness -- they always believed what they failed to obtain was the best. Hence, the more unsuitable Maisie was for Ezra, the more he wanted to hit on her.

Julian took several deep breaths. After calming down a bit, he followed Emelia into the building and took the elevator upstairs.

When they arrived at Maisie's, she was pulling David's arm, who was in a rage. She tried to hold David back from beating up Ezra.

Evidently, David hated Ezra to the core.

David and Maisie cared about each other very much. In the past, to persuade their parents to let Maisie go to college, he sacrificed his future. Besides, they were twins, so they always had tacit understandings with each other. David could feel how much Maisie had been hurt.

Ezra hurt Maisie so deeply. How could David not be angry?


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