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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 355

Mentioning Arthur, Emelia, an ever so good-tempered one, couldn't help complaining, "He's gone too far!"

She wondered what on earth Arthur wanted. If he still liked Jean, why did he keep making trouble for her and was never nice to her?

If he didn't like Jean, he kept paying much attention to her.

According to Arthur's reputation before, he had firmly rejected those women who wanted to approach him. However, he kept pestering Jean and never wanted to stop.

Jean looked disdainful. "So I also plan to quit my job. I don't want to be targeted by him every day. I should have sued him for the bullying at the workplace."

Emelia and Maisie were shocked. "Are you going to quit?"

"Yep." Jean smiled at Maisie. "I heard you’re going to Grafstin. What about I also go there and find a job in the hospital? Then we can keep each other company there."

"Are you serious?" Maisie asked her solemnly.

"Of course," Jean answered without any hesitation, not even joking.

Maisie said sincerely, "If you are really going there, I look forward to it."

Emelia looked at the two girls who were outstanding in their careers. Suddenly, she felt Julian and his friends were pathetic.

Emelia had moved to the Capital. Maisie decided to go to Grafstin. Jean was also leaving. Only Phil had got married and been along with his wife well among the four men. The other three men would become laughingstocks.

Probably, Arthur and Ezra would feel relieved.

After all, neither of them loved the girls.

Once Maisie and Jean left, they could still lead an extraordinary life.

Emelia made dumplings and cooked four dishes. The three girls enjoyed dinner a lot.

Emelia and Jean drank some red wine. Maisie could only drink warm water instead.

"I didn't expect to have the farewell dinner with you girls before leaving. I'm really moved." Maisie sighed. "I don't have any real friends in Riverside City all through the years.

"Those women either look down on my family background or approach me because of Mr. Hughes. They are so hypocritical."

Jean could understand Maisie's status. Raising her goblet at Maisie, she said, "I can understand."

Julian was a golden bachelor. Maisie was his assistant, so all the women who had crushes on him would fawn on Maisie. Fortunately, Maisie was professional. Otherwise, Julian would be bothered by those women to death.

Emelia also raised her goblet to Maisie. "Keep in touch with us after going to Grafstin. You must take good care of yourself."

"Ehn." Maisie nodded happily. "I will. After I've settled down, you are more than welcome to visit me. You must go."

They didn't finish dinner until very late at night. Emelia and Jean stayed in Maisie's apartment overnight to see her off the following day.

The next day, David came over to pick up Maisie and send her to the airport. Emelia and Jean helped her cover all the furniture with white dust covers. The three girls stood at the door, looking at the empty apartment. Somehow, they felt sorrow for Maisie's departure.

Julian came over in the early morning as well, waiting for Emelia downstairs.

The three girls hugged each other and bid each other farewell. When David drove Maisie away, Emelia shed tears, feeling sorry for Maisie.

It was way too suffering to love a man who didn't love her back.


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