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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 356

"You..." Emelia was not good at arguing, and she didn't know how to retort to Julian's annoying speech.

"Why are you so upset? I should be the furious one." Julian grunted.

He was hopping mad.

How dare she suspect him to be unfaithful?

He would never commit infidelity.

Gosh. He just had to vent his anger.

Thinking of this, he had already pressed her in his arms, kissing her hard.

Biting her soft lips, he enjoyed the proper kiss.

Emelia struggled to get rid of him. Was he crazy? They had split up; let alone they were in front of Maisie's apartment where people would pass by anytime.

It was embarrassing to cuddle and kiss here in the daytime.

"I'm not shameless like you!" Emelia scolded with a blush and ran away when he let her go.

However, Julian pulled her back straight in the car before she left no two steps.

"Get in. Take you home." Julian fastened her seatbelt, which was the same as indirectly locking her in the car.

Emelia refuted, "I'll take a taxi."

Julian bent to press her, narrowing his eyes, "Not satisfied with the kiss? Do you want to be kissed until your legs are too weak to walk?"

Emelia's eyes widened at Julian's words, "How can you say so?"

"Shameless?" Julian had no intention to introspect. Instead, he came over to her and said in her ear, "I can say much more dirty talk. You have seen it before, right?"

Emelia didn't answer.

Her pretty face instantly turned red as she pushed him away, "Just hurry up and drive."

She refused to talk with this blatant guy.

She wondered if he was aware of their break-up.

Seeing that she was obedient, Julian didn't tease her anymore and sat up straight to drive.

"Go home first to have a change and break, and then have lunch with Arthur's mother before leaving for Anstonburg," Julian told her as he drove.

"We?" Emelia was confused, "You're going with me?"

Julian grunted, "Do you think it is only for you?"

Only when she was well taken care of could he live happily, so this was not her own business from the beginning.

Knowing he was stubborn, she said in a low voice averting her eyes, "You don't have to be with me. You are busy."

It was not that Emelia repulsed him, but she felt pity for him.

Since Maisie was gone, he had lost his capable assistant, so his workload was immediately over, but he insisted on accompanying her to Anstonburg.

Besides, he had just returned from the Capital the night before yesterday, and he had been running around with her recently.


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