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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 367

"Be careful."

Julian reminded her to hold her waist to prevent her from falling down when she was so startled that she might stumble backwards.

Emelia was irritated. He had the nerve to warn her to be careful!

If he hadn't deliberately been so close to her, would she have been scared?

Fortunately, she had just taken back her face in time, otherwise, she would have kissed him!

Thinking of this, Emelia awkwardly patted his hand away. "Mr. Hughes, you'd better go out quickly, or you won't be able to eat mutton tonight."

Mr. Hughes?


Julian was enraged by Emelia's unfamiliar address, but she had already turned around to get busy and never looked at him again.

However, in order to have dinner successfully made by Emelia, Julian left the kitchen first.

As soon as Julian left, Emelia immediately felt as though the air in the kitchen had returned to normal. Without being disturbed by him, she quickly prepared the dishes and left. The three of them ate a happy dinner together.

After dinner, Frances took the initiative to leave the dining room for them. "I'll go upstairs and read books for a while. You can talk."

Emelia didn't want to chat with Julian. On the one hand, the atmosphere at night was too ambiguous, and on the other hand, there wasn't much to talk about. She was really afraid that Julian would say something in love again, so she couldn't stand it.

So she also got up and said to Julian, "It's getting late. You should go to the hotel to rest."

Emelia thought to herself, of course, that since Julian didn't return to Riverside City today, he would definitely stay outside the hotel.

Emelia knew very well how far the journey from Riverside City was. On such a cold day, he had to hurry back and have a good rest.

Unexpectedly, Julian threw his tall body into the chair and said shamelessly, "I'll live here tonight."

Emelia was speechless.


Frances, who was halfway upstairs, turned around and said to Julian, "You can stay, but there are only two bedrooms here. Emelia and I each have one. You have to sleep on the sofa in the living room on the second floor."

Frances didn't mean to make things difficult for Julian. She wasn't very close to Emelia, so it was impossible for the two of them to squeeze together and give him a room.

Moreover, she had been single for so many years. She was used to sleeping alone and did not accept sleeping with others.

She couldn't directly tell Julian that she wanted him to live with Emelia. She knew that they were breaking up now. If she still said that, wouldn't that be disrespectful to Emelia?

But she also knew that Julian had come all the way here. He definitely wanted to stay and spend more time with Emelia, which was why he had such an arrangement.

Without saying a word, Julian raised his hand and made an "Okay" gesture to Frances. "No problem."

Frances then instructed Emelia, "Bring him a new pillow and quilt later. They're all in your wardrobe."


Frances had already left, so it wasn't appropriate for Emelia to say anything. Although she didn't want Julian to live here at all, this wasn't her home after all. She didn't have the right to speak.

If a man like him stayed in the same room with the two women, no one knew what the people in the town would think tomorrow.

Likely, most people would think that he had slept with her!

Julian must have stayed here on purpose to make everyone misunderstand their relationship. It was estimated that no one would introduce a boyfriend to her in the future.

He was really cunning!

Thinking of this, Emelia couldn't help but sit down again in the chair and "kindly" reminded him, "The sofa is very narrow, and you can't even stretch your legs. It must be uncomfortable to sleep all night."

Julian didn't care. "It doesn't matter."

"Isn't it good to sleep in the big bed of the hotel?"

Emelia was furious. When did he become so shameless?


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